Inside story of simplicity

Mushfiq Hussain | Fotografía
Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2016

On a sunny winter morning, a thought triggered in mind, to go into the nature & explore our surrounding villages. The modern life with all its colours & charms, sometimes offers nothing but a life full of monotonous routines. And we have a habit of making things difficult instead of being simple in everything we do.
And there I was on the road with two of my friends & we started roaming in villages within our vicinity. It was amazing to see the green fields with sparkling sun which makes a perfect Sunday outing. The combo of green & blue giving perfect colours to the landscape. Walking on the tiny pathways of lush green fields with cool breeze blowing, makes one realise all the blessings of Almighty & we get true sense of a simple life closed to the nature.

A Sunny Sunday Morning

But the story doesn’t ends here with a perfect colourful sunny morning. We met a lady with her grandson, working in their rented land with their heads down. It’s hard work coupled with all the difficulties of life. It looks a simple life to us; but to them its life of hardships & daily sufferings. Challenges to survive & trying to make both ends meet. And when someone from a luxurious lifestyle comes to appreciate their simple way of life; their expressions say it all…

A life of hardships

Sometimes, it feels like we are not enjoying our lives, while life is all about collection of small little happy experiences. The love, we extend to our parents, family & friends, the way we express ourselves at workplace & exploring our hidden talents & gifts, that we all have. But somehow, we believe that a day will come when we’ll be happy & then we spent our whole life waiting for that perfect day.

A shepherd with his flock

On the way, we found a shepherds with his flock of goats & sheep, starting his day & looking for some place where his flock can have the food for the day. Traveling from a far distance place & no one knows where the destination is, for today. But the life is always full of experiences for these shepherds & truly they observe nature, to its finest details. And we, the ones who craves for modern lifestyle, can never realise the honour that these shepherd carry with them. Yes, the honour of following our prophet’s profession.
There’s a feeling of relaxation & peace while spending time in the nature. Time to think & reflect back to our lives. The way we are spending our days, weeks & months. The mantra “Thank God it’s Friday & Oh God it’s Monday” is ruling us & we have no answer to to it.
Life is all about chasing our own dreams & following our passions. The story of a simple life begins with playing each day with passion & energy, using our talents & gifts to the fullest & finding happiness in small acts of kindness.
That’s what give, meaning to our lives !

