How I met your retreat speakers

Annalena Remy
Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2017

Mid-November is approaching fast and it made us realize that the Just Relax Retreat is just around the corner. We are so excited to welcome you to the second edition of the Travelogue retreats! But before we go into the details we wanted to put a light on what this retreat is about and what you can expect from it. The Just Relax retreat is going to be a journey for your body, mind, and soul. Through fine eating, sharing, discovering, learning or even just chatting we hope to awaken your inner senses. You are going to live a total immersion into the world of wellbeing, healthy eating, plants and natural cosmetics. You will get to discover the region through the vision of locals who will share with you their knowledge and stories. In order to get an idea of you are going to spend this retreat with, we prepared this little portrait of the amazing speakers that are going to join us.

Alexandra and Hana (Travelogue Founder) met virtually at first, on the social networks just when she came back for her twenty-year adventure in the USA. Trained in nutrition, coaching, Yoga and Reiki Alexandra has a holistic approach to her field. She helps her clients to achieve their health goals and to find a balance in their body, mind, and life. Certified Yoga professor and health coach, Alexandra turned her lifestyle into a job. Since her youngest age, she is passionate about nature and nutrition and based her healthy living on meditation, healing with plants, aromatherapy, homeopathy, supplements, as well as an organic and natural diet. Alexandra graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York and uses her knowledge in nutrition and her passion for yoga to support her clients into getting a sane body, soul, and mindset.

During our journey, Alexandra will perform Yoga sessions and a cooking class but not only! She will help you on your path to a healthy body and mind as well. For that, she invites the participants to answer a questionnaire in order for her to prepare individualized counseling and targeted health coaching.

It is when Hana was shopping for natural products in a Pharmacy in Aix en Provence that she met Caroline. Our second speaker could be labeled as the great traveler! This 27-year-old mother of a little girl has had many lives already. Her journey began with 21 when she left France for Australia. On the other side of the world, she met aborigines who shared their vision of nature and their connexion with plants. After traveling to New Zealand, the need of being in touch with the nature becomes utterly important and Caroline decides to go back to France, to Paris precisely, where she will discover and study naturopathy. She saw on this occasion the opportunity to ally two of her passions: psychology and medicine. In this time she also discovers a great deal of interest for superfoods and will spend some time on a spirulina farm. Next step: India. Caroline explores the world of Ayurveda through cooking and massages in an ayurvedic hospital. This journey brings her to Aix-en-Provence where she works in a pharmacy specialized in herbalism while starting her own naturopathic practice.

Caroline will help us get in touch with the power of plants and their benefits for the body. She will guide us through the world of essential oils and use her knowledge to bring nature into our skincare regimen.

Florence and Hana met in Hendaye (South of France) on a surfboard (one of the Florence’s newest passion and challenge) during the first edition of the Travelogue retreats! This adventurous and joyful Parisian, trained to be a pharmaceutical assistant, is pursuing a traineeship in naturopathy which she will graduate from at the end of this year. But not only: she is a wellness massage practitioner since six years and offers her activities at home and for companies. Her areas of focus are primarily massage and naturopathic counseling.

During our trip, Florence will transport us to another state of wellbeing with her massages and show us how we can bring this precious naturopathic and wellbeing knowledge to our homes so that every weekend could be just like the Just Relax Retreat!

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