TravelRank v1.0 Released 🎉

Alex Shevchuk
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2020

With TravelRank you can create your travel bucket list with AI (and zero googling).

September was quite a fruitful month for the TravelRank.

  • we consolidated the feedback received from the Beta-users
  • conducted customer interviews

Quite a few Beta-users gave us golden insights, which we managed to transform into new features and squiz it into the v1.0 release ahead of the Product Hunt launch (planned later this month).

These are the very first major release notes:

1️⃣ TravelRank finally gets a responsive mobile view📱!

2️⃣ The personalized recommendations are now available for the users with manually added travel history (with instant page re-render)

3️⃣ Top 5 destination features visualized as score bars for better comparison

4️⃣ Search params are now saved persistently between the sessions

5️⃣ The users could opt-out now from Ranks if they wish so (check Settings)

6️⃣ Onboarding videos added on how to get first recommendations

7️⃣ Bunch of other handy improvements and fixes

  • Search fields are labeled for better user experience
  • US and EU locale support added in date picker controls
  • TravelRank blog sub-section added
  • “accept cookies” consent added
  • live chat added
  • contact form a seamlessly integrated
  • updated legal docs (terms, privacy policy, cookies policy)
  • tons of bug fixed
See you later, folks!

Alex Shevchuk, Founder of TravelRank.



Alex Shevchuk

founder of TravelRank, product manager, software engineer, Agile thinker