Due Diligence one must do before traveling to a foreign location.

Traveling to a new foreign location is always exciting and keeps us counting days. Though before traveling we have a few tasks that we do to have a carefree journey.

Aditya Arya
4 min readMay 26, 2018


Traveling to another country is very always very exciting. We get to visit beautiful destinations and experience various cultures. We would like to believe that traveling to most parts of the world would be safe, it is always better to follow these quick tips to avoid any bad experiences while traveling abroad.

1. Learn about the culture

It is always good to thoroughly research your travel destination before you visit. Familiarize yourself with local customs and regulations to avoid legal troubles. For example, chewing gum is banned in Singapore. Always wear appropriate clothing suitable for that country’s weather and culture. Learn a few local language words. This is invaluable when we have to ask for help while traveling. Pay attention to forbidden words/gestures to avoid getting into unnecessary fights or verbal arguments.

2. Accommodation

Choose your accommodation very carefully. Research the area around it. Make sure that it is not located in a remote area and dodgy neighborhood. Check reviews of your accommodation on various travel websites such as tripadvisor before booking it. If you are staying in hostels or doing couch surfing make sure that the host has more than 100 positive reviews.

3. Memorise important information and phone numbers

In case if your phone and wallet are stolen you need to remember name and address of your hotel so that you can at least reach back to your hotel and ask for help. In today’s world, we have all the important phone numbers stored in our mobile phones and we don’t need to remember them in a normal situation but if your phone gets stolen abroad it is always useful to have important numbers memorized so that you can call for help.

3. Copies of documents

Always carry multiple photocopies of your important documents such as passport, visa, driving license and any other national identity cards. Keep them in different bags. Also if possible keep them stored online either in your email, google keep or cloud drive.

4. First aid kit

Always carry basic first aid kit and pain-killer which are best suited for you. Don’t forget to take appropriate quantities of the medicines that you need to take regularly if you have conditions like asthma, diabetes or heart disease. Also, keep track of medicine alternatives that are available in your destination country.

5. Conceal pouch

Always keep small amounts of cash on you. Hide it in your shoe socks or conceal belts. In case of emergency, you can at least rely on that resource if your stuff gets stolen or if you have to leave your bags and purses due to some other emergency.

6. Ditch the stranger

No matter how friendly they may seem to never accept any drinks or edibles from a stranger at the nightclub or bar. Also, don’t invite any strangers to your hotel room. Even if they are insisting, you can just politely decline. This can be challenging as you don’t want to offend your new friend but it is always better to take precautions than regret later.

7. Locate unsafe areas

Avoid travelling late at night alone. If you are out enjoying the nightlife make sure you travel on well lit roads. If you are using public transport make sure you are on the right bus. You can always double check with co-passengers or the driver if you are unsure. Make sure you download offline maps mobile application.

8. Lock them away

If you are not in the room even for a little while make sure that your important belongings such as your phone, laptop, camera and wallet are not lying on your bed or table where hotel employees can easily see them. If your room has locker or cupboard keep it in there or keep it inside your locked bag.

I am sure if you follow these simple tips your vacation time will be free of all the troubles. Even if you come across any difficulties now you know how to combat them. Hope you feel more confident now to travel abroad without any worries. We wish you a successful and safe trip! For more such travel tips and tricks do follow Travel and photography blog and also follow our facebook page. To find top 10 travel destinations around the world do visit our website www.travelandphotographyblog.com.

