Visualising the Future of Tech-Enabled Tourism

Check out the process of our latest project

Anne van der Poel
Traveltech for Scotland
3 min readMar 26, 2021


Photo by Annie Spratt

For the last couple of months, Traveltech for Scotland has been working towards the launch of our ‘Visualise the Future’ project, commissioning four Scottish-based visual artists to create their own visions of the future of tech-enabled tourism in the next 20 years. Check out the process below:

The project:

The last year has presented countless setbacks and challenges for the industry, leaving little space to look towards a better future. Travel and tourism have experienced inevitable adjustments, and the industry has been changed forever through Covid-19. Events from the last year have accelerated the need for tourism to adjust to putting environmental and societal responsibility first, and for a new type of travel to emerge. The pandemic has accelerated innovative new uses of technology, and has forced the industry to re-evaluate its approach. How do we continue to ensure a sustainable future for Scotland as a tourism destination?

The connection between artisitc inspiration and scientific and technological brilliance has been well documented; Nobel Laureates frequently cite their creative pursuits to their success in scientific fields. Meanwhile, we were aware of the challenges and setbacks felt by the creative industry and economy in Scotland. Driven by this, we wanted to harness creativity in order for the tourism and traveltech sector to imagine the industry beyond the current moment.

From here ‘Visualise the Future of Tech-enabled Tourism in Scotland’ was born. Through visual arts, we are quite literally inspiring the visualisation of a better future. We are fostering an exploration, through visual and digital mediums, of how technology can help forge a thriving and sustainable approach to travel and tourism in Scotland in the long-term.

The artists:

After an application and selection process, we went with four fantastic Scottish-based visual artists, presenting a diversity in ideas, styles, and medium. The artists include:

  • Cat O’Neil, an award winning freelance illustrator based in Edinburgh. Cat’s work involved producing pencil and ink drawings, which are then scanned and colored digitally using various tools. Much of her process is focused on visual metaphors. Check out her work here
  • Jonny Harris, an award winning visual designed, specialising in motion graphics, animation, and digital storytelling. Jonny works on design-led commissions as well as exploring themes of time, journey, and connection to place. Check out his work here
  • Elaine Ford, a Scottish based multi-disciplinary artist who explores the interplay between science, technological innovation, biodiversity conservation, and adventure. Elaine creates immersive environments, installations, VR, film, photography and sculptures. Check out her work here
  • James Albon, an Edinburgh based author and illustrator. He has worked with international clients as an editorial illustration, and has written and illustrated three graphic novels for adults. Check out his work here

The pieces are exploring themes such as:

  • In the next 20 years, what will tourism in Scotland look like, and how will technology enable this?
  • What types of technology will exist in the next 20 years which will enhance tourism?
  • Considering the climate crisis and sustainable tourism needs, how will the future of travel be impacted?
  • How will responsible tourism impact travel practices in the next 20 years?
  • What does a better quality of tourism look like for providers, locals, and visitors alike?

Most importantly, the artists were encouraged to follow their image of the future, and the types of technology and travel within it.

The event:

The artworks are being unveiled for the first time during our event on Tuesday 30 March, 11am — 12:30.

During the event, each of the artists will present their artworks, talking through their ideas, inspirations, and processes for the project.

This is going to be followed by a panel discussion with three selected industry members, generating a conversation around the project and the perspectives, issues, and solutions the artworks create. This will be chaired by Aileen Lamb, tourism manager at Scottish Enterprise.

Our panelists are:

  • Chris Greenwood, from Visit Scotland
  • Julie Grieve, founder and CEO of Criton
  • Scott Byrne, general manager at Hospitalfield

The panel discussion will be followed by an audience Q&A.

Get your free ticket for the event here

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