Find what went into redesigning icons for our marketplace product.

Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2020

Insights from the icon design process focused on improving product communication.

Above are some of the icons from this exercise.

In a fast-paced, competitive and information-heavy work environment there is no room to be unproductive and inefficient. We believe, icons do have a fair amount of contribution to reduce noise and sharpen communication. Having the right representations would not only reduce the chances of error but also uplift the perception of the brand and build trust among its users.

Over a period of time, TravelTriangle’s Agent facing product has changed a lot and the previous version of the icons needed a revamp. There is also a growing need for a smaller version of the icons, and simply scaling it down wasn’t an option as it compromises the visual quality impacting the end-user experience.

The primary users of the icons are the TravelTriangle marketplace agents aged between 22–36 years, mostly male and digitally literate but not too tech-savvy.

Primary navigation icons and design philosophy

The general philosophy we kept during the design process was to make the new icons look closer to familiar forms and traditional concepts used by the travel agents in their business to enable a better recall. For inspiration, we looked into their tasks and challenges in each area where these icons were relevant. Having the right communication is the minimum required hygiene benchmark for today’s informed user.

Other selected icons


Designers: Rahul Raj, Anju Shah | Project Lead: Dhaneesh Jameson

To read the original article, please visit this link. Thanks to Dhaneesh Jameson for penning this article.

