How well-scripted illustrations brought business impact

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2 min readMay 4, 2020

2 case studies explaining the process of scripting illustrations for intangible experiences aka emotional design that delivered positive business outcomes.

The animated versions of the brand illustrations used for the home pages. The final image had some background elements with different compositions.

A lot of people believe that the more you use illustrations and spice up with micro-interactions, the more your product becomes design-centric. Not true!

A design centricity is more about the ‘approach’ than the outcome itself. Design centered means human-centered. Informed by the process, in the execution phase, we diligently create design assets like illustrations, icons, graphics, micro-interactions, and even the microcopies to create a universal system of languages between the user and the product. As a result, it enables the user in making the right decisions, delivering expectations, and leading them towards task completion at ease.

The act of creating these design assets for digital products and services is a deliberate one than a random feat of self-expression. They have unique roles to play and enhances user experiences. No matter how great the solutions are, it ultimately needs a vehicle to carry the information and enable communication. Today, the emotional design has set a new benchmark in the product’s user experience.

In this article, I am sharing the process behind creating Illustrations for Emotional design. Often they have mistaken for just delightful decorations or an afterthought in Product development.

CASE 1 | The Brand illustrations that enhanced the user experience.

The Context

In 2017, with Series B funding, was looking into lifting up its NPS for the online products and move towards more design-centered product development. The efforts started with revamping the product for creating a better first impression on the visitors and solve their trust int the brand. We did not have an ATL or BTL marketing done yet.

Here I am discussing the creation of illustrations as a subset of the overall product revamping efforts. We assessed the pros and cons of using illustrations vs photographs. This led to a decision towards building a unique set of brand illustrations. The core hypotheses were,

  1. This was to give an immediate Brand identity(higher recall value) among the crowd of many holiday products.
  2. Sharper and consistent communication throughout the …

To read the complete article, please visit this link. Thanks to Dhaneesh Jameson for penning this article.

