Are you a Pathfinder?

Simone Okkels
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2019

TravTribe is a site about intentional traveling. About immersing yourself in new cultures. Meet new people. Share experiences and rituals. It is a co-created universe to bring transformational traveling to the wanderlusters and globetrotters of the world. And we need your stories!

We’re happy to have you join us. To join this co-creational tribe of wanderlusting, flâneuring, coddiwompling, globetrotting explorative, and ever-growing people from all over the planet.

To us here at TravTribe, traveling is not about stamps in a passport. We want to go off the beaten path. TravTribe is about traveling with a purpose to grow as people and to get to know more about the world and thereby yourself and your inner being. We call it transformational traveling.

Transformational travel can be defined in multiple ways but it always starts with intentional traveling. It is typically a group of like-minded travelers or an intentional community traveling together. Travelers explore rituals of other tribes and immerse themselves in the local destination.

By sharing experiences, we create more

We are firm believers that by sharing our experiences we can create more experiences for everybody. Everybody who wants to get out there and live life a little more different from before.

Like when Shar traveled solo to Oaxaca for learning to surf and to speak Spanish in a 2-month staycation in Puerto Escondido; not knowing that this journey would transform her, elevate her into her life as an entrepreneur. She quickly connected with the intentional community of world traveling surfers, sunset-chasers, and artists. She got invited into local ceremonies and gatherings that became her transformational catalyzer to seeing life in the nomadic style. Those gatherings made her start thinking about how to enable other travelers to find similar experiences in every destination of the world & gave birth to TravTribe.

Live and travel with intention

Or when Simone parted ways with Denmark to practice yoga and find her spiritual side in southern India as a volunteer writer. Here, an elephant blessed her, she saw black magic retrieved from the stomachs of Tamil Hindus, and a parrot foretold her future. It was a trip that changed her perspective on beliefs. It showed her there was so much more to life if you get out of your comfort zone and confront yourself and your surroundings.

Since then she has been a writer full time. Traveling as much as possible and for the past year living as a digital nomad and working from places like Israel, Norway, Texas, New York, San Francisco, Finland, and Germany.

These are some of the stories you’ll find here alongside guides on how you get started on your own transformational traveling, reviews of retreats, and live with intention and intensity!

We’re looking for more pathfinders

Do you already have a transformational travel experience to tell us about? Do you have a knack for storytelling? A heart for sharing? Then apply to be one of our Pathfinders! Send an e-mail to



Simone Okkels

Writer. Ego Hacker. Polyamorous, polylocational explorer of tomorrow and lover of novel experiences.