How She Created A Business To Travel

Shar Behzadian
Published in
4 min readSep 30, 2018

Alexis is an Australian surfer turned Digital Nomad. She is an adventurer and traveler that has traveled to 25 countries so far. She is starting an online business that takes her around the world in 2017. Alexis won as the travel influencer of travel tribe last week and told us about her travel plans in an interview.

“I initially started traveling throughout university. Mostly through South East Asian countries such as Indonesia, Japan and Thailand. Every trip I take, fuels me for the next one.

The intrigue for me in traveling is my love for natural landscapes and seeing a country with as much local influence as possible. I enjoy touring to parts of countries that aren’t necessarily on the beaten track or for a touristic purpose.”

How are you planning to fund your future travels?

The more I work in a 9 to 5, the more I understand that personally this is not the lifestyle for me, that’s why I’ve decided to become fully freelance funded to travel indefinitely in 2017.

My skill set is in marketing, social media and public relations, I’ve worked as a consultant in everything from the events and entertainment industry through to being a Media Consultant for one of Australia’s newspaper agencies for the last year.

So, in 2017, I will launch Mermaid Tales to offer my skills in surf photography, marketing, social media and writing to my clients.

I am currently accepting new clients to manage their websites, branding and social media on an ongoing basis for either a weekly or monthly fee.

So far, I’ve written for World Nomads in their Japan Guide as well as a few other online travel blogs, but I can’t wait to launch my own as part of my Freelance site! Once the blog takes off, I can offer my services in marketing, photography and writing for both the company and as a feature/review through my own website and social channels.

That is cool! Where are you taking us with Mermaid Tales in 2017?

When I travel I like to try and keep my plans open to an extent to allow for the flow of travel; like the people that I meet and the things that I learn along the way.

In 2017 I will be road tripping for a full month from Western Australian around the entire bottom half of Australia up to North Queensland in a van, which will cover 7,000km.

From there I am flying to Indonesia so I can really start to focus on surfing and surf photography. My plan is to work with a few local surfing schools and yoga camps as a freelance photographer!

My love for Asia began with my first trip to Indonesia, when I was just 17. Since moving to Western Australia I try and get over there at least once a year — the culture, people and landscape are just incredible.

After spending a month in Indonesia I will be heading to Sri Lanka for a month to again focus on my surfing and surf photography. I hope to secure enough work with some local surfing schools and yoga camps to keep going and see the country!

The Maldives is my next plan after Sri Lanka. Maldives is an expensive country to travel so I am going to take a more authentic travel experience approach. I will be heading to some local islands with less tourists.

I will be in Spain by the end of June for the European summer and will hopefully get a chance to see a bit of India after the Maldives on my way there.

Leaving a bit of space for serendipity on my schedule, I have no plan after arriving in Spain. Let’s see what comes my way!

If you would like to work with Alexis and follow her adventure, please check out her website (which will be live in January!) or follow her on Instagram @mermaid_tales_adventure

