Bitcoin and Traxalt through time

Traxalt Protocol
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2020

There are many cryptocurrencies and many options of digital assets. Among all the available options in the market, Bitcoin was the first and the most known cryptocurrency so far. One of the biggest mysteries it the crypto world is who was the creator of Bitcoin. The only known identity of its creator is that it was Satoshi Nakamoto, but little is known about him. There are some suspicions that Satoshi may be an individual person or a group of people, but it still remains a mystery.

The first-ever recorded price for one Bitcoin was $0 back in its launch in 2009, and it was not possible to use it in any exchange. The highest price Bitcoin reached one year later was $0.39. According to CoinDesk, during late 2011 its price raised up to $10.96. And so on, Bitcoin’s price continued increasing through the years. The highest price ever recorded, according to CoinMarketCap, was in December 2017, when its price was $19,480. It is important to highlight that Bitcoin reached this price only after 8 years, which is a lifetime in the crypto context.

Now, in 2020 we can see Bitcoin’s lifetime graphic and we can realize how volatile its price is. Besides its price, there are some other aspects that we have to take into account regarding Bitcoin. For example, the time it takes for a Bitcoin transaction to be made is a lot, when compared to other solutions. Without entering a technical context, when a Bitcoin transaction is made there has to be a miner available to mine the transaction and resolve the mathematical problem that needs to be carried out in order for the transaction to be made. In addition, there are several transactions waiting to be mined, which are located in the mempool. This is why the transactions are slower. Also, the computer equipment that the miners need to have is very sophisticated and it consumes lots of energy which may result in higher energy costs for the miners. Anyways, as you can see, Bitcoin was indeed the first crypto solution in the world, but it might not be the best one. With time, other digital solutions have emerged which can provide more improvements.

For example, Traxalt, this digital solution is close to reach its first anniversary since it was launched. In less than one year, the TXT token is close to have 1,000,000 account holders which represents one of the biggest digital communities for a single asset. Traxalt is based on a third-generation blockchain and this brings several advantages in comparison with Bitcoin -which is a first-generation. For starters, the transactions are not validated by a miner but by a set of distributed automated nodes which makes the validation process faster than any other asset that belongs to the first two generations. This is the main reason why transactions have faster performance. Also, the computer equipment that is utilized by the nodes does not consume as much energy as Bitcoin’s sophisticated equipment; which makes it an eco-friendlier solution.

As you can see, Traxalt has an advantage over Bitcoin. This has been possible because its main objective is to be the most efficient digital asset in the market, providing an essential solution to its users. The growth of Traxalt since its launch has been incremental and with big plans coming soon, it is no secret that it could be one of the strongest digital assets in the market.



Traxalt Protocol

Traxalt is a digital currency (TXT) and blockchain protocol that creates massive scale payment processing, data hashing, information collecting, & reporting API