Russia has seen an increase in cryptocurrency trading

Traxalt Protocol
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2020

In recent years the world economy has had many changes due to specific events. Some countries have even faced economic crises, in which many specialists have been in charge of studying the contribution that cryptocurrencies have had in facing crises and addressing financial tranquility. With a centralized system, the currency can present low exchange rates.

When this type of technology appeared, the world economy began to have great development, since it allows transactions to be made with lower costs, faster and above all that a record of information for each of the transactions.

The global economy in 2009 was weakened because of a crisis and then the first cryptocurrency was launched. Since then many industries, companies, and even individuals have started to implement it in their payment and investment methods.

Russia has increased digital asset exchanges in the middle of the crisis caused by the coronavirus outbreak, from different platforms or also known as digital wallets, making the comparison taking the data of February, it was discovered that the traffic towards cryptocurrency exchanges in Russia has shown an increase of 5.56%.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and many concerns that arise from being in quarantine and, above all, the increase of unemployment, more and more people around the world have taken it upon themselves to learn more about cryptocurrencies and apparently Russia is not an exception, since their citizens have become increasingly involved with the topic of digital assets, in addition, it is expected that there will be approval of a financial services law that would include information for cryptocurrencies but this law is still being part of a discussion, a law that would grant legal status to the use of the digital asset.

The President of Russia has met the founder Vitalik Buterin of Ethereum within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum and supported his plans to work with local partners to implement blockchain technology in the country.

According to Vladimir Putin, the digital economy is not a separate industry, it is essentially the basis for creating new ways of doing business, which is why long-term growth is sought after Russia ended its worst recession in two decades. Digital assets are helping the economy by making online transactions faster, safer, and fairly low-cost and convenient for users.

It is important to know one of the platforms that has been showing growth, which is Bitfoliex that allows you to store different digital assets and also make transactions in a quite efficient way and that provides each of its users the ease of making transactions to any part of the world regardless of the schedule and without any inconvenience. This wallet has high-security standards with which it seeks to protect cryptocurrencies and the information of all its users.

Traxalt is a digital asset and is based on the Stellar blockchain, this asset can also be purchased on the Bitfoliex platform. It is considered as a third-generation due to the way of conducting transactions efficiently and faster than previous ones. This digital asset is presented as a solution to make payments and transactions, not only for companies but also for individuals who want to get the benefits that Traxalt offers. These benefits have made the community have been constantly growing since it was launched.



Traxalt Protocol

Traxalt is a digital currency (TXT) and blockchain protocol that creates massive scale payment processing, data hashing, information collecting, & reporting API