Getting To Know Our CIO Bermil Espina

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3 min readSep 4, 2018

Hey everyone, today we would like to share with you an interview with our CIO, Bermil Espina. We hope you enjoy getting to know him a bit more!

Where do you live, work and play?

I am a local resident of the Philippines. I finished my bachelor’s degree at Adamson University, one of the country’s catholic university. Most of my career revolves around local and foreign entities engaged in delivering end to end technology programs to consumers. The last 10 years of my work is focused on leadership and business management in the field of critical technologies like Big Data, IoT, Blockchain and ERP.

Describe your role in TraXion?

As Chief Information Officer of the organization, I am responsible of making sure that the technology requirement of the organization is aligned to the business objectives — that I think the most critical role of CIO in the emerging competitive marketplace. Technology leaders now a days should be knowledgeable and not be tied to what a traditional leader should be. The success of the organization today dwells on the objectivity between business and technology leaders.

What do you enjoy about your work?

Being part of an emerging and innovative organization today in the local and global arena for Blockchain is what excites me with Traxion. Aside from that, Traxion Tech, Inc. brings product and technology closer together by literally collocating marketing, stakeholders and technology teams in one single roof to fully operationally act together and deliver the product superiorly.

Tell us a bit about your working background?

I started my career as a software engineer focused on open source but through the advent of Microsoft .Net, I shifted my focus on C# and ASP.Net. I’ve been involved with different successful startups from diverse industries — Telecommunication, Internet, Security and Data Analytics.

What is it about Blockchain technology excites you?

As one of the early implementor of Blockchain in the real-world use case is what excites me most about Blockchain and Traxion Tech, Inc. I am a believer that Blockchain’s success is beyond the lucrative deals of cryptocurrency and Traxion can generally transform and solve the odds and complexity of social problems plaguing the world for centuries through the avenue of technology — blockchain.

What is your claim to fame?

Within the last few years, my advocacy had shifted by bringing technology to the least in the society. Involving individuals to a society of fair culture through Blockchain is I think the most singular contribution or success I can bring to the community.

TraXion presents a unique set of solutions for many different areas from banking to lending. How did the idea come to be?

The Philippines has about 70 percent under-served individuals. This is the same number of individuals who have no direct representation to any financial institutions. As a developing country, bringing these entities to participate in an open ecosystem of a unique economy but not in friction to government regulations and other financial institutions will help boost the country’s GDP — these drives the organization to come up with the current business model.

What makes TraXion unique amongst its competitors in your mind?

I believe that the leadership within the organization is the major attribute that is unique for us compared to our competitors. The number of years of experience for every stakeholders irons out the contrasting attributes of TraXion to other players in the same ecosystem. Our implementation is based on an existing platform that is currently working on local communities where everyone is enjoying the service.

What would be your message to the community at this time regarding the progress of the project?

To our investors and participants, our dedication to provide you the end product is always beyond the promised commitment. We will be with you in fulfilling your end goals through the use of our technology.

Any quote that you live or work by?

“To be a champ you must believe in yourself before anyone else.”

TraXion is building Inclusive Markets and Ecosystems through Transaction Management solutions for organizations trusted by the financially underserved. To learn more about our token sale you can check and keep track of our weekly updates on Facebook and Twitter.




TraXion is building a blockchain ecosystem of organizations that the people at the bottom of the pyramid trust. Check us out at