Interview with Ann Cuisia, CEO of TraXion

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4 min readMar 27, 2018

Hey everyone! We are pleased to share an interview that was done with the CEO of TraXion, Ann Cuisia. We hope you enjoy it!

Thanks For joining us today Ann. How are you doing?

Ann Cuisia: Thank you! I’m doing great. I am very pleased with the positive feedback from all sectors that we have gotten in regards to our project so far.

So tell us a bit about yourself. How did you get into the Blockchain space?

Ann: I have a Mathematics degree with a major in computer science. For the past 20 years, I have been imersed in the banking, payments and e-Commerce space. And for the past 4 years, I have been a startup entrepreneur.

And just like any tech entrepreneur, I saw how blockchain is going to change all areas of business and even our personal lives. In the late 1990s, people were saying the internet is going to change the world. And now, everyone is saying blockchain will be doing the same thing and TraXion is fully embracing that notion.

Tell everyone a bit about TraXion and how it came to be.

Ann: We found that consumers and businesses find it difficult to work in our current financial system. Transaction and remittance fees are just too high. There is so much bureaucracy, everything is slow and there is not much transparency anymore. This is where we found the need for TraXion.

We want to be one of the companies to make the blockchain ubiquitous and run in the background without even the normal consumers knowing it — and enjoy its benefits in the process.

Everyone agrees (grudgingly or not) that we eventually will become a cashless or, specifically, a crypto-based society. And TraXion will help consumers and business prepare for that eventuality.

TraXion wants to transition everyone to a crypto-ready society.

What is it about TraXion that you think will make it revolutionary?

Ann: We have 3 products that I feel make this revolutionary. The most key product is our eWallet system. We provide white-labeled wallets to business organizations who want to move financial assets at zero cost through tokenization of their local currencies. But what is more important is we connect merchants, consumers, portals, banks and everyone in one ecosystem.

And for us to ensure interoperability in this ecosystem that we mentioned, we provide a second product: inter-business blockchain solutions for closed networks. We deliver customized business solutions to conglomerates requiring interoperability, data integrity, and asset tracking within the supply chain.

For the third product, we develop Smart Contracts on workflows for good governance. We can significantly increase the integrity of information, improve performance management, and reduce wastage and corruption.

Describe TraXion in one word?

Ann: Crypto-ready!

What do you think will separate TraXion from other projects?

Ann: We do not intend to work as a silo ecosystem. We are very much aware that there will be other crypto-based ecosystems that are not ours. We are ready to connect with them as well. The objective is to connect everyone and not to necessarily compete per say.

But we do plan to be competitive and disruptive with the big banks. We plan to use our eWallet as the banks ‘Nth’ branch where its products and services are being used on a consumer mobile phone.

What are some issues that you think will need to be overcame with a project of this scale with TraXion?

Ann: Building awareness is the key. There is still so much confusion and doubt as to how crypto-based or blockchain based transactions will provide tremendous benefits to everyone.

What are your thoughts on the industry as a whole? Do you anticipate any changes this coming year?

Ann: Blockchain adoption will move quickly than anticipated. The companies in the late 90s that quickly adopted the internet, became the clear winners. Blockchain will be no different. I think the following 6 things will be heading the world’s way:

1. Permissioned blockchains will overtake permission-less blockchains

2. There will be more blockchain-based consumer-facing applications (e.g. beyond Crypto Kitties)

3. I see more social good coming out of blockchain: transparent/corruption-less aid during disasters, faster distribution of food for the poor, reduction of fake drugs, etc.

4. Governments will not regulate blockchain, but rather regulate through the blockchain as this makes more sense.

5. People will start owning back their digital identity through permissioned networks.

6. There will be more blockchain applications outside of fintech such as in health, manufacturing and internet of things.

What’s the most exciting part about being in the Blockchain/Cryptocurrency space?

Ann: History is being made — and we are currently active participants here. That makes it really every exciting. We are in the eye of the storm!

Thanks for taking the time!

Ann: Thank you!

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TraXion is building a blockchain ecosystem of organizations that the people at the bottom of the pyramid trust. Check us out at