What Are Some of the Short and Long-Term Benefits of TraXion?

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4 min readApr 20, 2018

With our Pre-Sale period quickly approaching, you may be asking what some of the short and long term benefits of TraXion are.

Let’s first go over some of the short-term benefits:

TraXion Wallet

TraXion already has an already in-place working wallet. It is currently already used as a white-label solution via gavagives.com. The wallet currently enables the transfer of funds collected by non-profit organizations to their chosen bank account through a disbursement gateway. This same wallet enables users to see all donations listings, data analytics and other reports as well.

TraXion Payments

One of the latest budding payment integrators in the Philippines, TraXionPay is enabling more payment options for non-credit card holders and is already in place as a benefit for users. It has an simplified process for merchants and a more seamless payment experience for consumers. It allows for merchants to send and receive payments easily using more than 20+ payment options. TraXionPay adds value in the integration point and in the payment experience.

TraXion Fundraising Platform

TraXion also has a working fundraising platform in place. GavaGives.com is an end-to-end fundraising platform under Gava Technologies Inc. that empowers nonprofit organization improve and manage their donors and donations seamlessly. It offers more than 20 payment options and user-friendly management dashboard with analytics.

Healthcare and Other Services

Parachure, Azurrance and BayaniHealth in the short term benefits users for hitting financial goals and offers them healthcare benefits along with insurance for auto, fire, property and travel. These three unique solutions will be highly beneficial for users of TraXion’s platform.

Now that we’ve explored some of the already in place, short-term benefits of TraXion, let’s dive into some of the long-term benefits of TraXion’s platform as it will develop:

Public API

TraXion will allow merchants who are not necessarily part of TraXion’s platform to access its public API and enable them to participate in the TraXion ecosystem and receive payments, remittance, or donations using the TraXion wallet and tokens. These companies can maintain their own apps and integrate with our system through the API to receive payments, remittance or donations.

Cryptocurrency Trading System

The same TraXion wallet will host crypto-trading to enable users to trade their own TraXion (TXN) tokens with other cryptocurrencies. This solution will benefit users by allowing for the user to have a seamless trading system in place right in their dashboard without the need for having to use an external exchange.

Peer-to-Peer Lending

In user’s wallets, they will be able to find lenders and borrowers for particular cases. Built-in deep machine learning will be used to mitigate risk by providing a credit score based on historical transactions, ability to pay and transact in the platform, and other factors. It will augment its facility with well-known third party credit scoring systems per each jurisdiction.

All in all, these and many other features of TraXion’s all-in-one solution will offer many short and long term benefits to its users. We look forward being a complete Bank-In-A-Wallet solution and thus enabling the community to enjoy financial and banking products and services in a simpler yet secured decentralized application through the use of our tokens. Through the growth of our platform, the project will continue to benefit the unbanked and the charitable beneficiaries through transparency and accountability which will help eradicate corruption and bureaucracy to alleviate poverty all across the world.

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TraXion is building a blockchain ecosystem of organizations that the people at the bottom of the pyramid trust. Check us out at https://traxiontech.net