
Rehearsals rehearsals rehearsals 

Gareth Rees
Treading the boards


Dear Actor,

Congratulations on getting the part you auditioned for, you obviously love the arts and really shone in the part you read for.

When asked; “What’s everyone’s availability for rehearsals?” you didn't speak up, leaving us to understand that as being; “No problems here, I'm not going away anywhere, you can count on me”.

Like I said in the opening of this letter, you clearly love the arts. After all, this is the amateur side, we do not get paid for it, we do it for the love of it. so, you can imagine my surprise/disappointment when you’re not showing up to rehearsals.

“I didn't know” or “I forgot”

These are the most common excuses we hear. How can you forget about your hobby? How can you not know? Did you not think to ask?

So, to summarise: #DearActor, Pull your finger out, or there will be no show!



Gareth Rees
Treading the boards

Always up for a good debate or discussion. #Potterhead #JKRowling #Atheist #SaveWomensSports 💜🤍💚