4 innovative tree plantation companies

- which are redefining environmental conservation

3 min readSep 9, 2019


Nature and technology are the two constants in our lives. Every individual on the planet is surrounded by both of these phenomena. The only difference is being the first one fighting for survival, and the latter witnessing unprecedented growth. However, instead of being two separate forces, it is about time to start using technology for environmental conservation. Our team decided to look into innovative projects that are using technology to save our only living planet. At least until we find a way to live on Mars!

BioCarbon Engineering

Starting the list with BioCarbon Engineering (BCE) is obvious, as the company utilizes rich analytics throughout every stage of the plantation. The company excels in providing scalable ecosystem restoration services through a data-driven approach. Here is how BCE uses technology:

  • Surveying the plantation through drones and satellite imagery to collect data regarding surface topology, weed assessment, and trend analysis
  • Using a centralized information system to keep all the data related to its restoration projects for quick access
  • Programming seed plantation patterns, weed data, and planting strategy in its drones for optimal results
  • Using biodegradable seedpods for planting trees.


More than 5 billion searches are done on Google any given day. What if we tell you that you can have a positive impact on the environment by merely switching to Ecosia? Yes, that’s true. Ecosia is also a search engine. However, it uses its ad revenue to plant trees around the world. In the past ten years, the company has planted over 60 million trees and has over 7 million active users. In fact, using Ecosia for roughly 45 searches is enough to sponsor a tree. Isn’t that amazing?

Land Life Company

Land Life Company is another innovative firm that uses technology to excel in tree plantation. The company is on a mission to reforest 2 billion hectares of degraded land. Land Life Company uses a variety of methods, including speaking with the locals, satellite imagery, and soil samples, to prepare its plantation strategy. It uses GPS-led drills and automated planting machines to plant hundreds of saplings in a single session. In fact, it has developed a biodegradable protective structure, called the Cocoon, which helps plants survive their initial year. The plantation carried out using Cocoons has survival rates of 75% to 95%.


This list would have been incomplete without mentioning TenTree. TenTree is an apparel company that plants 10 trees against every single sale. The apparel manufacturer has also planted over 20 million trees across 10 different countries. TenTree aims to plant a billion trees by 2030.

TreeCoin: Taking the sustainable development baton forward

TreeCoin, just like every other project in this list, aims to restore the natural balance in Paraguay. Its primary intent is to develop a sustainable timber production and management system that supplies natural resources without disturbing the local ecosystem. TreeCoin aims to plant over 37 million trees throughout its lifetime, with roughly 10 million trees planted in its first stage. Additionally, the foundation intends to sponsor social projects for the welfare of the residents, along with creating employment opportunities in the region.

If you want to know more about our project, visit here. Click this link to become a part of our hybrid token offering!

Originally published at https://tree-coin.io on September 9, 2019.




We generate a value covered Coin to convert grazing land into fertile soil and create new habitats for the flora and fauna in Paraguay.