5 facts about Asunción

The heart of Paraguay

3 min readSep 6, 2019


TreeCoinAsunción, the capital of Paraguay, is what some would call a “hidden champion”. It’s not the kind of city everyone has on their bucket list. But there is a lot to discover. From nature to water to culture, it is a colorful city. Understandably, as it is the capital of a colorful country. To give you a better picture, we have compiled some facts about Asución for you:

1. A city full of life

With around 525,000 inhabitants, Asunción is not only the capital but also the largest city in Paraguay. The name “Asunción” stands for Assumption day. What many people don’t know: it’s not the full name! The full name of this beautiful city is “La Muy Noble y Leal Ciudad de Nuestra Señora Santa Maria da la Asunción.”

2. Old and beautiful

Asunción is one of the oldest Spanish cities in South America, which means there’s a lot of history to discover. A first fact: It is said that Juan de Ayola s, a Spanish conqueror, was the first to visit and discover the city around the year 1536 as part of a route of exploration.

3. Water, please!

Water is definitely a topic in Paraguay, and certainly in Asunción as well. Asunción is located on the left shore of “Río Paraguay”, more precisely on the “Asunción Bay”. Throughout the city, there are many small, idyllic creeks. Each creek flows into the Paraguay River. In the past, these creeks served as a source of drinking water.

4. The Madre

Asunción is often referred to as “Madre de Ciudades” which roughly translates to “mother of cities”. The reason for this is that Asunción was the starting point of many expeditions and city formations in the 16th and 17th centuries. One of these cities is Buenos Aires. Fun fact: again, Juan de Ayolas was part of this expedition.

5. A little souvenir?

The “Plaza de los Héroes” with its “Independencia” street is the heart of the city. If you love shopping, Calle Palma/Mariscal Estigarriba, Estrella/25 de Mayo, and Oliva/Cerro Corá are the streets to visit. For over 100 years, this place has been a center for shops, souvenirs, banks, and exchange offices. Calle Palma is also great for music lovers, as it hosts many free concerts.

Originally published at https://tree-coin.io on September 6, 2019.




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