5 hard truths people will realize only when forests are gone

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3 min readSep 20, 2019

“When the last forest has been cut down,the last fish caught,the last river poisoned,only then will we realize that money cannot be eaten.”
Cree Indian Prophecy

The deep connection Cree Indians share with nature is embedded in this prophecy. Did you ever imagine what could happen if all the forests disappeared? It’ll be a scary world, but in order to see where we’re heading, we decided to find out how the world will appear without trees.

1. Natural calamities will worsen up

One of the first things to happen if all forests disappeared would be extreme natural calamities, such as hurricanes and floods. Several reports have indicated that shrinking forest cover could worsen floods. So without any trees whatsoever, people will face extreme floods. Trees absorb water, and their roots withhold land together, preventing soil erosion in the process. The impact would be severe on developing nations that already struggle with such disasters, including China, India, Nepal, and many others.

2. Global food and water scarcity

Trees play a crucial role in maintaining moisture in the atmosphere through evapotranspiration, which later leads to rain. It is critical to understand that rain is a significant source of water replenishment in freshwater bodies around the world. Without forests, Earth will experience extreme droughts, leading to food and water scarcity. People will have limited or no access to drinking water. It’ll be difficult to filter it because of contamination.

3. The animal kingdom will crumble

While smaller animals and insects will be the first to crumble, the entire animal kingdom will come to the brink of extinction within the first couple of decades. Since there will be no trees to absorb CO2 or other greenhouse gases, the natural composition of the atmosphere will change, making it difficult for small animals or humans with respiratory issues to breath. Furthermore, the higher concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere will lead to acid rains, pushing living beings towards extinction.

4. Earth will be inhabitable for humans

With crumbling food sources, water sources, and natural disasters, Earth will become inhabitable for humans. It’ll be nothing more than a barren wasteland, with no humans or other land animals.
Unless humans move to Mars or another planet, that’d be the end of our species!

5. Relief: We still have time to avoid extinction

While we were almost horrified writing this post, the only solace is that we still have time to save the planet. However, nations, people, and enterprises must make it their priority to save the world.

TreeCoin aims to be a leader in sustainable timber production, playing a role in natural preservation. We use advanced plantation strategies to ensure that our operations do not harm the earth’s natural ecosystem. Our goal is to plant more than 37 million trees throughout our project and to create a sustainable timber production model that other companies can follow.

Do you want to become a part of our mission? Join our hybrid token offering list here.

Originally published at https://tree-coin.io on September 20, 2019.




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