Double sustainability

— the TreeCoin investment

4 min readApr 5, 2019


An investment has to be profitable. Usually, it has a lot to do with numbers, capital or proceedings. But only a few think of sustainability when it comes to investments. Sure, it should include some securities. But the viability linked with nature and our environment does not appear in such contracts — unless you invest in TreeCoin. What makes this investment so different than others and why it is sustainable in more than one way? We will tell you:

Invest in nature

With the investment in TreeCoin, people invest in nature. They invest in the future of our forests and in trees that were on earth before we joined them, and hopefully, will be long after we leave. Nature can literally save our lives. So, why don’t we give it some attention, love, and care?

By planting eucalyptus trees on fallow land, TreeCoin offers the perfect resource for industrial use, so the industry keeps its hands off of natural forests. Unlike other “nature projects”, such as wind turbines and solar panels, there are no negative points regarding trees. Wind turbines can be dangerous to birds and airplanes, and solar panels use many “dirty” resources. Markus Oeser, co-founder of TreeCoin says, “I don’t know a single person affected by the planting of trees.”

Where the money comes in

Planting eucalyptus trees is a good thing, but how do investors earn their money? It’s actually easier than you might think. For 23 USD, the investor buys one TREE; TreeCoin’s security token. This leads to the planting of one physical eucalyptus tree.

Additionally, each purchased TREE generates 100 TreeCoins; TreeCoin’s payment token. Of these 100 TreeCoins, 30% is set aside for dividends and the salaries of TreeCoin workers. The remaining 70% is granted to the investor for free.

This is what makes TreeCoin so unique; you don’t have to invest a lot of money to make a small change. You can start with 23 USD only! Markus Oeser emphasizes, “Imagine the potential. If 10 million people invest in one TREE — each for just 23 USD — that would be 10 million eucalyptus trees. Now imagine the development over a few years.”

Watch your investment grow

Every time a eucalyptus tree gets cut down for industrial use, the investor profits from the wood sales. Markus Oeser explains, “The best thing is, you can watch your profit grow because your profit is the growing tree!”

If you think about it, wood is the third most traded commodity in the world. So the wood needs will not die out.

Additionally, the profits are used to buy new fallow land and plant more trees, meaning that the project will keep growing. And after just 4 years, the investment will have reached around 25 percent more value. Because of the permanent demand for wood, the investor’s profits could rise to a double-digit number. “In summary, it’s a constantly growing and self-renewing system,” says Markus Oeser.

The two sustainabilities

“We combine ecology with the economy”, says Markus Oeser. On the one hand, TreeCoin saves natural forests, and on the other hand, they produce wood for the industry. A rare combination in today’s market. Even though they produce timber, they save the forests from being cut down. Often these two do not go hand in hand. But TreeCoin has found a way. “If we get big enough, we may even be the main producer for the wood industry,” the Co-Founder imagines.

Furthermore, the investor is guaranteed a profit — or let’s call it a win. As aforementioned, a physical, growing tree is behind their money. Thus, TreeCoin is a secured, growing, and long-term investment.

Save the forest and your money — now

Does all of this sound good enough for you? Then invest in TreeCoin and become part of the movement. Save the woods and guarantee a profit — now! It’s a win-win for all.

Originally published at on April 5, 2019.




We generate a value covered Coin to convert grazing land into fertile soil and create new habitats for the flora and fauna in Paraguay.