Is it possible to reverse the damages done to nature?

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3 min readSep 16, 2019

The human race has come quite far from its humble beginnings. We have made unprecedented progress over the past couple of centuries. People have access to better transportation, medical services, residents, and good-quality food. However, like any mathematical equation, this growth has come at a cost: exploitation of natural resources. Instead of maintaining a balance with nature, we have over-exploited its resources, including forests, minerals, and even wildlife.

“Our Living Planet Report 2018 shows population sizes of wildlife decreased by 60% globally between 1970 and 2014,” says WWF’s Living Planet Report. Human activities have led to the destruction of the natural ecosystem, extinction of wildlife, and rising pollution levels, both air, and marine. With the alarming rate of these damages affecting nature, one could ask if it is possible to reverse this destruction? The answer is: YES. We have put together a small list of positive steps that you can take to prevent any further damage to our planet.

Paris Agreement: A Step in the right direction

Paris Agreement is a commendable step taken towards the preservation and restoration of Earth. The agreement has been signed by over 195 pollution and greenhouse emitting countries. The primary intent behind the Paris Agreement is to limit the global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius for this century. Preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius. More than 184 countries have submitted detailed plans, National Determined Contributions (NDCs), for controlling their annual emissions, including strategies they plan to implement against climate change.

How to restore natural balance through individual efforts

Here are some ways on how to reverse and save nature through individual efforts:

  • One of the most dangerous threats to wildlife is air pollution. Reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emissions in the environment would stop oceans from becoming more acidic, endangering marine life. This would, therefore, reduce the harmful impact on terrestrial animals.
  • Recycling plastic waste is another step in the right direction. Studies indicate that approximately 8 million pieces of plastic find their way into our oceans daily. This plastic waste is responsible for killing more than 100,000 marine mammals and turtles and over a million sea birds every year.
  • Unlike the mid 19th century, the level of carbon monoxide has risen alarmingly. It has reached 400 PPM in recent times. Planting trees and conserving the forest can reduce the level of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere. Deforestation should be avoided at all costs, providing trees sufficient time to remove harmful air pollutants from Earth’s atmosphere.
  • Studies show that “an estimated 50,000 species inhabiting our tropical forests become extinct annually. That’s an average of 137 species a day.” The preservation of rainforests will give these natural inhabitants ample time to recover.
  • By devoting to a carbon-free and clean atmosphere, renewable energy sources, electric cars, and carbon-free homes, we can fight against climate change.

TreeCoin: A roadmap for planting over 37 million trees for nature

The team behind TreeCoin believes that we still have time to learn from our mistakes. TreeCoin intends to redefine existing timber production and management practices. Our goal is to introduce a sustainable timber production model. We aim at planting more than 10 million trees during the initial stage. And over 37 million trees throughout our project.
If you are ready to make an impact in saving the environment, join our hybrid toke offering today!

Originally published at on September 16, 2019.




We generate a value covered Coin to convert grazing land into fertile soil and create new habitats for the flora and fauna in Paraguay.