It’s Not Easy Being Señor Green

Thoughts from the TreeCoin CEO

5 min readOct 18, 2019


Jörg Schäfer is a life coach, motivator, speaker, investment specialist and full-time TreeCoin superhero as “Señor Green”. Inspiring people all over the world for 15 years, he has focused exclusively on the exchange and distribution of ecological investments since 2010.

It’s not an easy job, to juggle a long-term vision with short-term commitments. TreeCoin is a huge ambition that will take many people and much effort to realize. But Señor Green enjoys the challenge and doesn’t want it any other way!

This October, we talk to Señior Green himself to get some behind-the-scenes insights about TreeCoin as we run-up to the hybrid token offering (HTO) due to launch soon.

Señor Green, what’s the TreeCoin team up to right now?

I just spent 17 days in Paraguay with 2 camera crews and accompanied one of our tour groups, who wanted to be personally informed about our reforestation program. Our camera crew filmed every step of the tour, while the team answered the tourists’ questions. The material is currently being cut, edited, translated, and prepared for our various communication and social media channels. We’re preparing everything for the launch of the HTO.

All of the building blocks for a successful HTO, such as the KYC process, the credit card connection, the wallets, the banks for the Fiat money, the exchanges, and much more, must merge into one entity, making everything as easy as possible for our investors.

More explanatory videos will be made so everyone can easily find their way around their wallet, even if they’re doing it for the first time. In addition to preparing for the HTO, we’re scouting more space in Paraguay and conducting interviews to further increase our team.

25 years is a long time talking about the environment and the promotion of environmental awareness. However, this puts you in a unique position to assess if something can change. The general view is that even after so many years of talking about the environment, the situation is worsening, with climate crises, deforestation, and pollution increasing — or at least the headlines seem to be saying so. Does your experience confirm or refute this? And why?

I think there are two points of view here. A lot has been done to improve factories, cars, refrigerators, etc and to provide new filter techniques, especially in the western industrialized countries. China, for example, is playing a major role in the field of renewable energies. However, we have a factor that makes all our efforts difficult. Every day, 220,000 people are born — these also need energy. In addition, we have a large group of people in the world who do not care about the future and who only think about today and tomorrow.

However, my firm belief is that the group of people in the world who believe in the future and are ready to adapt and change is getting bigger and bigger. I notice this at all my events worldwide, where I get a lot of support for our project. We just have to talk about the future together and think about new solutions for how we can continue to save energy, become more efficient, and save resources.

TreeCoin talks about a ripe environment for change in Paraguay when it comes to sustainable reforestation. There is an eagerness from both the government and the local population. But is there enough motivation from the private sector? Are TreeCoin and its partners in Paraguay sufficient enough to make a change? Or must there be greater collaboration?

Yes, even in the private sector, the motivation is great. Because there are no interest rates for money, people are looking for reliable alternatives. The TreeCoin project is not only ecological, but it is an increasingly interesting business, as the wood prices continue to rise and the demand continues to grow due to population growth. Wood is the world’s third-largest commodity market after oil and gas.

The bottom line is that we have two different reasons why hundreds of millions of euros are going to flow into our project. Some want to make money and profits, and others want to prevent the deforestation of rainforests. The result will be the same for both, we will plant trees and everyone will benefit.

There is a lot of talk about the rainforests, especially after the recent forest fires in the Amazon. A common criticism from environmentalists is the terrible lack of action. Governments keep making promises but seem to break them every time. In your opinion, what is the best way to take action?

Afforestation, afforestation, afforestation.

The governments of the world cannot solve the problem because most of them are broke. We also cannot put policemen in the forests and hope people will no longer illegally cut down trees. They need timber.

The only solution is to plant so many fast-growing trees for the industry, that the need to cut down natural forests and jungles won’t be necessary anymore.

Could TreeCoin projects in every country be a solution for a sustainable timber industry?

Unfortunately not, because our fast-growing trees, which are among the fastest in the world and grow 5–7 meters per year, are absolute water lovers. However, they hate frost. This means TreeCoin could only start a reforestation program in countries where there is enough rain or water supply (such as the Guarani aquifer) and no frosty months.

Thank you for your time Señor Green and we’re looking forward to hearing more from you soon.

Originally published at on October 18, 2019.




We generate a value covered Coin to convert grazing land into fertile soil and create new habitats for the flora and fauna in Paraguay.