The eucalyptus tree: All the different varieties

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5 min readJan 21, 2019

The eucalyptus trees are native to Australia where the origins of this tree type can be found. Nowadays, there are many varieties of this tree family. These plants are present in a big variety with their distinct peeling bark and different foliage shapes and colors. Moreover, eucalyptus trees have a unique growth and emit pleasant aromatic fragrances throughout the year. Even though native to Australia, these trees can be planted anywhere. With the requirement that the conditions closely resemble their original native environment. Most of the eucalyptus trees grow at a very rapid rate compared to other trees. In fact, they are known as one of the 10 fastest-growing trees in the world. Some of these varieties can reach heights between 9 and 55 meters! 60% of their mass is grown in the first 10 years of their lifespan.

The eucalyptus tree bark shows its colorful beauty during the peeling process

It is worth mentioning that over the course of their evolution, eucalyptus trees have developed a unique survival method. This survival method even enabled them to survive the fires common to Australian forests. But how are eucalyptus trees able to do this? It’s due to a simple but genius plan of nature — these trees have dormant shoots deep inside their roots. This way, nothing can possibly damage or destroy them because nothing can reach them. The dormant eucalyptus shoots are thus well-protected and can only be activated through the heat in a case of fire.

Eucalyptus tree varieties

While varieties like the Gumtree and Silver-Dollar tree are the most popular amongst all eucalyptus types, there are some others that are also planted around the world. Here are several of them:

Lemon-Scented Eucalyptus

The lemon-scented eucalyptus is also known as the Corymbia citriodora. It originates from Northern and Central Queensland along the coast of Australia. This tree grows from 20 to 30.5 meters tall. The spread of its canopy is huge too, reaching up to 24 meters. The Corymbia citriodora tolerates drought well. In fact, it needs plenty of sunshine. It doesn’t even thrive in cold temperatures, as it is very susceptible to frost damage.

This tree is distinguishable by its first branch that tends to grow halfway up its height. The leaves of the lemon-scented eucalyptus are pale green, but they are evergreen and don’t change as seasons do. At the same time, its bark peels off with the change of time. It reveals a smooth, pale-white bark underneath which turns grey after some time. When crushed, the leaves of lemon-scented eucalyptus give off a pleasant lemon-like scent. Originally, this is the origin of its name. Among its other uses, the oil of this tree is widely used as an insect repellent. The wood of lemon-scented eucalyptus variety provides saw-timber, which is then used for general construction and wooden objects.

Tasmanian Blue Gum

The Tasmanian Blue Gum or the Eucalyptus globulus is one of the most popular varieties of the eucalyptus tree, widely grown all around the world because of their high adaptability. This eucalyptus variety is used to make cough drops and other medicines because of its aromatic and healing properties. Also, its wood is used for fuel and carpentry. Just like its cousin, the Lemon-scented variety, the Tasmanian Blue Gum grows quickly and up to 70 meters. It’s interesting that there are some registered specimens that are reported to be over roughly 152m. The bark of Tasmanian Blue Gum is known to be grey, green, or slightly blue. The trees require warm temperatures and soils that drain well.

Peppermint Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus dives or the Peppermint eucalyptus tree is the smallest of eucalyptus varieties reaching “only” the height of 7.6 to 24.4 m. It originates from South-Eastern Australia where it is mostly used as a windbreak, planted in rows. The leaves of the Peppermint eucalyptus are light-green and just as the name suggests, they give off a nice peppermint scent, which the eucalyptus essential oils are mostly recognized by. Just like the other eucalyptus types, it requires soil that drains well. But unlike them, Peppermint eucalyptus tolerates both frost and drought fairly well.

Transgenic Eucalyptus

Transgenic eucalyptus is a well-known variety that was created by combining genes from Brassica and eucalyptus. This interesting combination is widely sought after among tree planters because of its ability to grow 30% faster than the natural process. This means that within five to seven years, these plants are able to grow up to 30.5 m tall. While these characteristics make transgenic eucalyptus trees popular, some warn against their nature. They say these trees could easily overtake large amounts of land just like invasive kudzu do. However, this eucalyptus variety is favorable for the afforestation and quick plant replacement in areas that have been overly-deforested and need trees and greenery to sustain different species of animals and flora.

Planting eucalyptus trees

Since eucalyptus trees are fast-growing and quite adaptable, TreeCoin has recognized the potential of planting these trees to speed up afforestation and bring back the natural greenery of Paraguay. For this purpose, TreeCoin uses special varieties of eucalyptus types that have been cultivated in such a way that they would thrive in Paraguay’s environment. At the same time, they do not contain oil, which makes the trees fire-resistant. The eucalyptus benefits the environment by stopping deforestation as well as preventing global warming. Thus, it is very favorable for Earth as well as the future human generations. It’s time we start thinking green.

Originally published at on January 21, 2019.




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