The eucalyptus types we use at TreeCoin

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4 min readJan 28, 2019

The aim of TreeCoin is to reforest the world and restore our planet’s ecology by planting trees. Our project starts in Paraguay, where we are set to plant eucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus is nowadays one of the most preferred species for planting in warm — tropical and subtropical — regions. As there are more than 800 species in the Eucalypt genus, there is a possibility to find the exact variations of the tree that would suit particular climatic and soil properties and not harm Paraguay’s flora and fauna. The trees should grow fast, be strong, and be resistant to many usual risks, such as tree pests and fire.

But is there a perfect eucalyptus tree?

For the reforestation project of TreeCoin, we have chosen three different eucalyptus hybrids. These will be planted in different zones of the country. In this post, we will discuss the background of each of these varieties and show you their benefits for our afforestation cause.

Eucalyptus hybrid: Mother types

Eucalyptus grandis,also known as rose gum or flood gum tree. It needs a lot of water and grows on the coastal and near-coastal areas and on flatlands or lower slopes. This way, the grandis variety dominates the wet forest. It is highly valued because of its timber and pulp. Its resistance against the brown Christmas beetle has made this variety popular to use in eucalyptus crossing. The new hybrids will then inherit the best qualities of their mother types.

Eucalyptus urophylla, or Timor mountain gum. The eucalyptus urophylla received its scientific name from the distinct elongated shape of its leaves. It mostly grows in higher elevated regions, usually with volcanic soils. As such, eucalyptus urophylla dominates the montane forests in countries with humid and subhumid tropical climates. It is also often grown as plantation timber and can be used for reforestation purposes in its native climatic range. This eucalyptus type is often used to produce hybrid species because of its insect resistance. Particularly well-known are the hybrids with eucalyptus grandis.

Eucalyptus camaldulensis, also known as river red gum. This mother type passes its properties on to hybrids that we at TreeCoin use for planting. It grows along the inland watercourses and floodplains and is best known for providing shade in the unbearable heat, as well as for stabilizing the river banks. Through leaf and insect fall, river red gums provide nutrients for other species. This is a very useful aspect in ecological areas where nutrients are scarce or when the area’s fauna is stagnating. The eucalyptus camaldulensis’ preferred habitat also makes the tree act as a flood mitigator helping to slow down silt runoff.

In the next article, we will see how these three types are combined to create the hybrids that are perfect for the reforestation purposes of TreeCoin in the climatic environment of Paraguay.

Eucalyptus Urograndis

This hybrid is created by the crossing of eucalyptus grandis and urophylla. The most widely used clone of urograndis type, H-13, is best known for its efficient water use. What this means is that the tradeoff between the growth of the tree and its water use is minimized — which makes the H-13 clone of urograndis best sustainable for planting mainly in tropical regions with seasonal water deficit or in the higher regions in Paraguay.

Another urograndis clone type that is particularly good for the reforestation of Paraguay’s middle zone is A-08. TreeCoin also plans on planting the eucalyptus urograndis 608 variety in the middle and low zones of Paraguay. The middle grounds shape the transition between the highly elevated mountainous grounds, to the low, more humid soils, where grassy meadows form. Additionally, for lower regions, there is also another very suitable hybrid, and that is eucalyptus urocam.

Eucalyptus Urocam

Eucalyptus urocam originates from the crossing of camadulensis and urophilia varieties. The purpose for which this particular hybrid is known to be cultivated is to combat the salinity of the soil. Rising soil salinity is dangerous because it can lead to soil erosion and can affect vegetation — including crops — negatively, as well as reduce water quality and damage infrastructure. This way, this tree cannot only support afforestation but also prevent damage to agriculture and human habitats. Besides, the urocam hybrid quickly toughens up and can withstand drought very well.

For a greener future

By the opposite act of afforestation, or planting trees in places that lack them, we can set an example of not just how to stop global warming, but also how to ensure sustainable ecologically clean future for the planet.

At TreeCoin, we are aware of the potential of afforestation and the positive effects it has on forests worldwide. Thus, through our act of acquisition of natural land, we are able to provide a green future for the planet. We start in Paraguay by planting eucalyptus trees. By doing so, TreeCoin will contribute to the protection of drinking water, abundance of flora and fauna, as well as to the common wellbeing of the Earth’s population.

Originally published at on January 28, 2019.




We generate a value covered Coin to convert grazing land into fertile soil and create new habitats for the flora and fauna in Paraguay.