Tribes are struggling

Why preserving their ancestral lands in Chaco & Amazon is difficult

3 min readJan 27, 2020


“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” ~ Greek Proverb

The native tribes share a deep connection with their surroundings. Let it be the forest, animals, or even trees. Over the past decades, the world has experienced a surge in deforestation and the exploitation of forest resources for economic reasons. The native people have paid the cost for this environmental catastrophe. Their natural food supply, the wild animals, and their agriculture are under stress. Moreover, corporations are threatening their right to the ancestral land. Thousands of natives are living unwillingly in protected settlements.

Chaco: Indigenous tribes are fighting for their ancestral land

“The Statute of Indigenous Communities” under the Paraguayan law entitles local tribes to their ancestral land, with a minimum allocation of “100 hectares per family.” It is considered low or inadequate by the tribal members. However, a close look at the land situation in different colonies finds a somewhat different reality. The central Chaco Enxet colony of Ylave Sanga is home for more than 1,389 Enxet people, with an average land share of 15 hectares per family. Such examples are quite common in the Chaco. Only 7% of the indigenous people hold sufficient land as per the regulations.

Source: Cultural Survival

Amazon: Local tribes are under threat from deforestation and cattle ranches

Amazon is not only the largest tropical rainforest of the world, but these forests are essentially the “lungs of our planet.” Despite their importance in combating climate change, Amazon forests are under an acute attack from illegal loggers and ranch owners. A report from BBC looks at illegal logging camps and their impact on the indigenous tribes. Another report published on indicates that unlawful deforestation is posing a threat to several uncontacted native tribes. It is essential to understand that unspoiled forests are critical for the survival of Amazon’s indigenous tribes, serving as their primary source of food and herbs.

Bottom Line

Natural resources are critical for the overall growth of the world; let it be economic or the well-being of all the species. As an enterprise venturing in timber production, TreeCoin understands the importance of the ecological balance. The team has made sure that none of the indigenous tribes or the natives suffer because of TreeCoin’s operations. Our goal is to share the benefits of our project with the local people, improving their overall quality of life.

Find out more about our project here.

Originally published at on January 27, 2020.




We generate a value covered Coin to convert grazing land into fertile soil and create new habitats for the flora and fauna in Paraguay.