Where does Infinity Economics fit in the TreeCoin project?

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3 min readJul 15, 2019


“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” ~ Robert Swan, Environmentalist

Robert Swan holds the record of walking on both the North Pole and the South Pole unsupported. He has dedicated the past 30 years of his life in spreading the message of sustainable development around the world. While it’s difficult to put a gauge on how much success he has received in his mission, the world, nonetheless, requires more people like him.

Enter TreeCoin!

TreeCoin is the result of a simple ideology; we’re responsible for our current environmental crisis, and we’re the ones who must strive to restore the natural balance. Accordingly, TreeCoin plans to set up a major plantation and sustainable timber production project in the Villarrica region of Paraguay.

TreeCoin in numbers

  • Plantation target in the initial stage: 10 Million Trees
  • Forest restored during the initial phase: 12,700 Hectares
  • Total target land restoration area: 59,650 Hectares
  • Total plantation target: 37 Million Trees

How we plan to use Infinity Economics Platform for TreeCoin

Blockchain technology is reshaping multiple industries, including finance, logistics, transportation, and even the food industry. One of the primary reasons behind the success of blockchain technology in the modern economic landscape is its transparency.

TreeCoin intends to implement maximum transparency in its operations. Therefore, we have chosen Infinity Economics Platform for our hybrid token offering (HTO). Some of the key features of the Infinity Economics Platform that we plan to use are:

  • TreeCoin Wallet: The participants of TreeCoin’s HTO will receive their tokens in a TreeCoin wallet based on the IEP page. The wallet app makes cryptocurrency transactions easy for new users. The wallet app stores data in an encrypted format which comes with additional security options such as PIN, FaceID, and Fingerprint protection.
  • IEP Colored coin concept: IEP uses colored coin concept. This allows project owners to attach specific attributes with crypto assets and use them to represent different physical assets. TreeCoin implements a dual token system using IEP’s colored coin concept. TREE represents the security token offered by TreeCoin, which comes with a 40% profit-sharing attribute for the token holder. The second crypto token, Treecoin (TXC), serves as the internal currency of the TreeCoin ecosystem. Furthermore, TreeCoin will partner with local traders to accept TXC tokens as payment against goods and services.
  • IEP Block explorer: Block explorer is essential to check transaction confirmations and current status. TreeCoin token holders can verify their transactions using IEP’s block explorer.
  • IEP Decentralized exchange: TreeCoin will release its tokens on IEP decentralized exchange, allowing token holders to trade TREE tokens.

Why did we choose Infinity Economics Platform?

  • Quick transaction confirmations: Infinity Economics Platform has an average transaction confirmation period of 60 seconds, facilitating quick processing for wide-scale usage.
  • Smart contracts: IEP provides support for smart contracts, allowing platform users to automate transactions. This opens an opportunity for enterprise-level implementations.
  • Support messages: Users can attach messages within the blockchain, widening its use cases.

Using the latest technologies to conserve the environment

It’s about time for the new and old ways of doing business to come together, thereby creating synergies for cost-effective business operations. TreeCoin aims to leverage blockchain technology and other upcoming technologies in its mission to save the forests in Paraguay.

Are you ready to become a part of our mission? Join our hybrid token offering today!

Originally published at https://tree-coin.io on July 15, 2019.




We generate a value covered Coin to convert grazing land into fertile soil and create new habitats for the flora and fauna in Paraguay.