Working in Paraguay — How TreeCoin is set there

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3 min readJun 28, 2019

Although TreeCoin is a project scattered across many cities and countries, there is a “TreeCoin capital”, and that is Paraguay. Eucalyptus trees are planted, maintained and prepared for industrial use in the heart of South America. But who works there? And how does TreeCoin guarantee that everything runs smoothly on these plantations? Let’s find out:

The core team working in Paraguay

As reported in our previous article, one TreeCoin member resides in Paraguay. Andreas Jelinek is the director of La Rivera, TreeCoin’s reforestation partner. Andreas keeps an eye on all developments in Paraguay and possesses local knowledge to properly carry out the project.

But this “local hero” is not alone. All other members of the TreeCoin core team travel regularly to Paraguay. It’s important for them to see the development with their own eyes. This way they can fully engage with the project and know exactly what they are talking about when they tell investors about it. For instance, Alf Schröter travels to Paraguay every two to three months. And the rest of the team keeps up to date over phone conferences.

Working with La Rivera

A big part of the TreeCoin work in Paraguay is made possible through the partnership with La Rivera. They bring years of experience and knowledge into the project as well as a team of local workers. La Rivera is one of the most important reforestation companies in Paraguay and is highly regarded throughout the country. “You could say that we have a very good reputation here in Paraguay. Certainly because of our work, but also because of the way we treat our employees,” says Andreas Jelinek.

Paraguayan workers

Most employees in Paraguay are locals. “They know the local conditions, which are advantageous for the work here. The technical aspects are all learnable. This is why we have our own academy,” explains Andreas Jelinek. For him and the company, it is more important that employees are loyal and reliable. Once they join the company, they have the opportunity to pursue their career paths. This may include a higher position or level of salary earned by the academy or experience.

“Currently we have more than 100 applications on the table. I think that’s because Villa Rica has many universities where the reputation of La Rivera is very good. So a lot of the applications are not only sent by regular job seekers but also university graduates,” says Andreas Jelinek.

But how did they get a good reputation? For starters, they pay their workers fairly and punctually. The employees have health and renters insurance and a 13th salary. In addition, they receive their work clothes from the company. Many of these requirements sound normal to us, but in Paraguay, such conditions are — unfortunately — very rare.

As you can see, there are different people working with TreeCoin. The team is composed of completely different mentalities, origins and age groups. But all in all, they are a team with a mission to make the world a better and greener place.

Originally published at on June 28, 2019.




We generate a value covered Coin to convert grazing land into fertile soil and create new habitats for the flora and fauna in Paraguay.