We’re back! Go forth and explore!

Laura Fisher
Published in
4 min readNov 2, 2016

We’ve got great news: TreePress is back.

Over the last three months we took the bold step to rebuild everything. We knew that things hadn’t always been perfect. And you trusted us with this process, even though we couldn’t promise that things would be the same when we came back.

During this time, we’ve been digging deep to understand what is the best way to move forward with TreePress — by asking ourselves tough questions, interviewing users, observing existing behaviours, running interviews, testing designs and constantly iterating on what we’ve built (you can read more about this process on our blog).

We believe that TreePress is a prototype…and always will be.

It is our responsibility to build something that you, our friends​, will love. Something that will help you discover stories that matter. Something that will help this world feel far less like a lottery. Something that will empower decision making and choice. And something for the future of theatre.

We’re excited to be making this announcement, but before we get there…we wanted to pause and reflect.

89 days ago, we took a bold step. And you have all been a part of this story. We don’t mean this flippantly: we want to thank you for your support, trust, input and insight into this process. We moved faster than we knew possible, and felt your wind at our backs.

Here’s what our journey looked like in numbers…
350,903 new lines of code
862 radical new ideas generated
407 hours of user testing
292 hours of design
164 hours of team training & development
72 hours of pixel-pushing
18 weeks
5 team members
4 Design Reviews (pitched in front of 70 people, each time!)
3 core values: network, discovery and technology
2 launch events in NYC & SF
1 exciting new product

TreePress is here!

We have launched the NEW public Beta of TreePress, live on-stage at Google in NYC and San Francisco, last week. This is an entirely new product: a community for producers and writers in theatre, film and television. It’s powered by an intelligent system that allows you to discover stories that matter.

The heart of the new platform is your profile — the new direction of TreePress is centred a lot more around network and community. It reflects something far closer to a social network, than anything else. The idea is to give you a platform that actively helps you build an audience, make connections and find opportunities

This network is designed to bring together the entire community: directors, producers, actors, playwrights and more. It is these connections that allow us to bring to life stories worth telling. It’s not an industry of transactions, its a community of people with ideas that can change the world. And that’s what we’re trying to reflect.

What exactly is live?

The whole site, with limited features, is now live to anyone who visits TreePress.

We have over 7,000 people waiting to get access to the site — who are currently on a waiting list. Every day, we will be adding a portion of this waiting list to get full access to all the exciting new features: favouriting scripts, following users (anyone in the network: writers, directors, organisations, etc), script analysis tool and more!

You will be notified when you have complete access to TreePress, via email.

Wait, why is there a waitlist?
In order to provide a robust and personal experience, we’re giving access to a small group every day. It’s really important that we ensure that the network components are built up to support and develop people. We’re working as hard as we can to get TreePress out to everyone quickly.

But…YOU can get to the front of the queue!!
Each of you have a unique referral link — just login to your account (same username/password) and share with others to move up the queue. You get to decide who are part of the founding members of the first dedicated community and ecosystem for scripts & creatives.

How long will it take to get access?
It shouldn’t take more than a few weeks, but you can always check what number in the queue you are by logging into your account.

Can I tell you what I think?

Yes! Whenever you have a comment, question, concern, issue — honestly anything — please use the support icon in the bottom right hand corner. Your message will come straight to our team. We love feedback, of any kind. Please do share your thoughts with us.

There will be significant changes and additions over the coming weeks, so keep logging in regularly, and often, to get the most out of TreePress.

We cannot thank you enough for taking this journey with us.

‘Press on,

Ankita, Adrienne, Jesal, Laura and Miriam



Laura Fisher

New York <> London <> Sydney. I make cool things for writers. You might also like @TreePress | www.treepress.org