CS371p: Week 2

Ethan Lao
Trees Grow Down
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2021

What did you do this past week?
I started looking at the projects for a few of my classes (multiple were recently assigned!), so I’m still adjusting as the coursework picks up.

What’s in your way?
This semester is very busy for me, so I am a little worried about how much time I will be able to spend on my social life.

What will you do next week?
I will be starting on the Collatz project, and grading for the number theory class for the first time. I am a little worried about how long grading may take (especially for number theory, which focuses on proofs), but I think I will be able to handle it.

If you read it, what did you think of the makefile?
Looking at the makefile was useful for understanding what kinds of “make *” runs are available, what they do, and how they work. I’m looking forward to trying out the auto-formatter.

What was your experience of Docker?
I have not had a chance to use Docker yet, but will definitely be using it for this project. I think it is a very smart and convenient solution for sharing tools, so I’m looking forward to testing it out.

What was your experience of assertions?
Assertions have come in handy many times in the past, especially when working on projects for OS class. They really helped with tracking down issues that came up later, saving lots of debugging time.

What was your experience of unit tests?
I have used JUnit a few times before, but not extensively. The googletest library seems like a very useful library since it makes writing tests very convenient.

What made you happy this week?
I am also a musician, and playing piano always makes me happy!

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Always start projects early. And even if you cannot, at least read the project page. Once its in your head you can start thinking about it subconsciously, saving time for when you actually code it all up.



Ethan Lao
Trees Grow Down
Editor for

Computer Science Student at the University of Texas at Austin