Well, what’s going to be our new name?

After leaving abdoc, it’s time to create a new brand. Good one. Better.

Martin Halík
Trees in the Greenwood


Well I would like to have sth easy to remember and easy to translate (no more Adhoc, abcdoc, adboc)…

→ animal, oxymoron, sth what everybody knows through all continents

First brainstormed idea: Snow fish

Seems fine, why not? Well the plural and singular is the same and that could be confusing. Do you mean one snow fish or more snow fish? Hmmm.

So I’ve checked more animals:

ant — too corporate

ape — don’t want to take step back in evolution

bat — disgusting (I love him, but others don’t)

bee — still too corporate

cat — disloyal, don’t like her

crab — hmmm

crow — disloyal too + bad sign?

deer — that may works! Oh Deers.

duck — nope.

fish — great, but those fishes…

moose — mooses … or even more complicated (plural moose or mooses or meese)

owl — hard to pronounce?

seal — may work ☺

It does not have to be animals, what about some fantasy species? Most of them have too long name and what I’m actually afraid of is that, they’re little bit unknown.


Centaurs? Elfs? Dwarfs? Minotaurs? Satyrs? Fauns?

Ents — longterm value, sheppards of trees. “For the forest some founders don’t see the trees.”

My choices:

  1. ents (how many people know who ent is?)
  2. snow fish
  3. deers
  4. owls
Trying to figure out good domain name.

Brand name


(GreenwoodEnts.com or TreeEnts.com)


In time of “time = money” & “money is everything” he stands his motto “Don’t be too hasty”. He’s shepperd of trees — not of a forest, but each tree separately. He’s wise and humble. He loves songs, stories and sharing his knowledge with others. And if it’s neccesary he will stand up and defend his beloved trees & world.

Personality image


Treebeard — “Don’t be hasty”

The Ents were created by Ilúvatar at the behest of Yavanna as the Shepherds of the Forest or Tree-herders. Treebeard is the oldest of three remaining original Ents. He is said to have once roamed all of the forests in Middle-earth, which included the Misty Mountains, Mirkwood, Mordor, and the Blue Mountains. After the loss of the Entwives by the end of the Third Age, he and the remaining Ents dwelt in the Forest of Fangorn.

Treebeard had been friends with Saruman. It is described in The Two Towers that Saruman visited Treebeard in Fangorn Forest and had talked with him on various subjects of concern. Saruman gathered information from Treebeard about the Forest of Fangorn; its intertwining paths were of particular concern to him.

Brand traits

Wise, but loyal. Powerful, but humble. Trustworthy, but not stodgy. Straightforward, but not arrogant.

Personality map


You would hear most often “Hmmmmm….” and “So,…” from him. He’s not really type of chipchat guy. He thinks twice, before he talks. He likes sharing what he has learned overtime, however he won’t tell you how to make a Burrito, because everybody knows that.

Copy examples

Success message: “Good job, Peter. Your list has been imported.” Error message: “Hmmmm, looks like you forgot your password. Try it once more.” Critical failure: “Something is wrong, Peter. But you don’t need to worry our engineers are already on the case.”

Visual lexicon

Colors: green and brown, don’t worry to use melancholic scheme. Typography: Not really fan of Helvetica and most Sans Serif fonts… I prefer some nice Serif like Aleo. Make people think ;-)

Engagement methods

Adress user by name: “Hello, Peter.” Don’t use exclamation mark, unless your users are dying. Don’t be afraid to symphatize with user “I’m sorry, Peter” or even take responsibility and action. “Something is wrong, Peter. I’m sorry, however you don’t need to worry our engineers are already on the case.”

That’s it.



Martin Halík
Trees in the Greenwood

Christian missionaire (trying to be), Product Design at Kiwi.com and Founder at Ents.co