Choose The Best!

Trees of Life
Trees of Life Magazine
4 min readMay 4, 2020


I have something very special to tell you today. But before I tell you what it is, I want to ask you a question: If you had to describe your life in a single word, which word would you choose? Good? Frustrated? Worried? Exerted? Average?

If these were your answers, I am convinced that God wants to show you a new word that should describe your life: the best! Good is good. And better is better. But don’t fool yourself. God only wants to give you the best.

  • I ask you today not to be satisfied with less than the best of God.
  • In a world of mediocrity, God breaks all mediocrity and offers us far more than that.
  • The fact that He gave Jesus for you — that is, gave His absolute best — shows us that He only wants the best for our lives.

He wants you to have joy, live successfully, and enjoy emotional and physical health. But the truth is that we often settle for much less. Our living conditions seem so far from God’s best. This makes us tired and discouraged. We resign ourselves to this state instead of asking God for more. We start saying things like “I shouldn’t get my hopes up” or “I guess my life is as good as it can be” or “I guess I just have to live with this disease”. Does that sound familiar to you? Have you ever stood at this point before?

I want you to know that in God you have the very best life at your disposal. No matter what your circumstances are, God has planned only the best for you.

The key to discovering God’s best for yourself lies in something very simple that many Christians take for granted. It begins with prayer. In Matthew 7, from verse 7 onwards, Jesus says: “Ask God, and he will give you! Seek and you will find! Knock and the door will be opened for you! For whoever asks, will receive. He who seeks will find. And knock and the door will be opened. Prayer has power when we put our faith in God; it is our direct communication with the creator of the universe. And it is an indescribable privilege that is available to every Christian in Jesus Christ.

James 5:16 says, “For the prayer of a man who lives according to God’s will has power.” If the prayer of a single Christian is so powerful, and it is, imagine how powerful it is when we come together in unity. Supernatural things happen when Christians come together and pray together. I believe that God wants to do great things!

Maybe you are going through a challenging time in your life. Maybe you or someone you love has received a bad diagnosis. If that is the case, I want to encourage you: God’s healing and complete restoration are at your disposal through the power of prayer!

God did not give you a new life in Jesus just to make ends meet. He wants you to live a happy, full, and healthy life for which Jesus gave everything.

For many years I was content with less, which was God’s best for me. Although I loved God, I was not happy. I was constantly frustrated; I was hard to get along with, I was constantly stressed and felt bad most of the time.

Eventually, I realized that something had to happen. I didn’t want to live like that anymore. I was tired of always being sick and tired. I still remember praying: “God, whatever I have to do, I will do it. I don’t want to live like this any longer. I want to live the life you promised me.”

From that day on, things changed. My devotion was the key. I first had to be ready to let go and give up God’s control over all aspects of my life. When you give up control of every aspect of your life to God, he accepts it with joy. And then an exchange takes place. God takes the little things, the bitterness, and the sickness and instead overwhelms your life with love, happiness, and the kind of peace that only He can give. As soon as you trust Him to lay everything on the table, you can also trust Him to give you everything He has promised you.

And what He promises is always the best!

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

PS: Be encouraged. You do not have to settle for less. God’s best is available to you every day of your life.



Trees of Life
Trees of Life Magazine

Trees of Life want to INSPIRE and to ENCOURAGE you to ENJOY YOUR LIFE with GOD, to CREATE a good and healthy SPIRIT, and a strong FAITH.