Created by Trees of Life

How Do I Find My Dream Again?

Trees of Life
Trees of Life Magazine
4 min readApr 30, 2020


When I speak of great things, I mean meaningful and unimaginably great things that will change your whole life! Whether it’s your family, your job, your health, your relationships, or your finances, God wants to do infinitely more for you in every area of your life than you ever thought possible. I hope that these lines will lead to the removal of the boundaries you may have set for God. Do you know why I hope so? Because there are no limits with God! You can’t grasp how much he loves you and how wonderful the plans he has for you are.

Imagine what your life could be like if you would stop limiting God and overcome all the obstacles that stand in your way. You could experience a much deeper peace and joy every day. This is exactly what God wants for you.

I have learned in my life with God how important it is to expect good things and to have dreams. It doesn’t matter how you grew up, how old you are, what your bank balance looks like, how educated you are, what kind of past you have gone through, or what situation you are in right now — you can dream!

Set God no limits, but dare to dream a big dream! If your dream is in harmony with God’s Word and is so big that only God can make it come true, then you know that it is worth pursuing this dream!

I still remember how many years ago God put his dream into my heart for me. It was not an audible voice speaking to me — I rather felt it deep in my heart, so strong that I did not doubt that it was God who spoke to me. From that day on I dreamed of what God would do in my life and through my life.

It is so wonderful to see this dream come true now. My only task was to listen to God’s voice and to dare to dream in faith and to go forward in obedience. God did the “rest”!

If you do your part, God will always do his. He adds the supernatural to what you do in the natural and then amazing things happen. So I’m asking you: What are your dreams today? What does God ask you to do? Are you asking Him for something so great that only He can do it? Start dreaming — imagining in faith what God could do. Then he will make sure that the word success will take on a whole new dimension in your life.

Take a few minutes and write down the dream you have.

I know that some of you are thinking now: “You don’t know what I’m going through. My situation is devastating and I don’t see how it can change.” Well, in that case, you must change your perspective. Turn your gaze away from the problem and look at God’s promise. In Genesis 15, we read how hard Abram found it to imagine that his dream could come true. God had promised him that he would be the “Father of many nations”, but all Abram could see was the problem: He and his wife had no children and they were too old to have any more.

But God is not intimidated or limited by our problems. In Genesis 15:5 he said to Abram, “… Look up to heaven. Can you count the stars? So many will your descendants be!”. God didn’t want Abram to look at his problems, his limitations, and his circumstances — He wanted him to focus on him and to imagine the future he had planned for him. God blessed Abram with the ability to dream.

And just as God had a dream for Abram, he has a dream for you. You were not created to be unhappy and discouraged and to fight your way through life more badly than right. God the creator has planned much bigger and better things for his children! I want to encourage you with one sentence: If your motivation to move forward in life has fallen by the wayside, you should get it back!

This simply means that despite all the disappointments you have experienced in the past, you can have high expectations of God. Expect Him to do great things in you and through you! God loves it when we trust him and expect good things from him!

Start dreaming today!

Remember: God’s plans for you are greater than any problem or obstacle that stands in your way. So do not be afraid to have big dreams! Whatever it is, have faith and trust that God will make this dream come true. And by the way: You haven’t missed anything — it’s not too late for you. With God, there is always hope and he has a future for you that is greater than anything you can imagine.

Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash

PS: It is never too late to have dreams. Whether you dream for the first time or get involved in a dream all over again, God’s timing for your life is always perfect.



Trees of Life
Trees of Life Magazine

Trees of Life want to INSPIRE and to ENCOURAGE you to ENJOY YOUR LIFE with GOD, to CREATE a good and healthy SPIRIT, and a strong FAITH.