The Most Popular California Judges

c d
Trellis Research
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2019

We became curious about the judges who are most interesting to our site-goers, when they are viewed, and how much of the web activity is dedicated to looking up judges. Here are some judge analytics….

Most Interesting Judges

To begin, a list of the judges most visited by members and non-members of Trellis:

  1. The Hon. Leo Valentine, Jr. (Ret.) from the Superior Court of San Diego County
  2. The Hon. Mitchell L. Beckloff of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County
  3. The Hon. Dennis J. Landin of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County
  4. The Hon. Stephen I. Goorvitch of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County
  5. The Hon. Lia R. Martin of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County
  6. The Hon. Amy D. Hogue of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County
  7. The Hon. Richard Y. Lee of the Superior Court of Orange County
  8. The Hon. Maureen Duffy-Lewis of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County
  9. The Hon. Georgina T. Rizk of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County
  10. The Hon. William F. Fahey of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County

Not surprisingly the most visited judges are sitting in Los Angeles.

We were also curious about who our members were interested in. So we pulled the visits to our Judge Analytics and found a completely different list:

  1. The Hon. David W. Abbott of the Superior Court of Sacramento County
  2. The Hon. Richard L. Fruin, Jr. of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County
  3. The Hon. Lawrence Cho of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County
  4. The Hon. Kenneth R. Freeman of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County
  5. The Hon. Thomas P. Anderle of the Superior Court of Santa Barbara County
  6. The Hon. Garrett L. Wong of the Superior Court of San Francisco County
  7. The Hon. Colleen K. Sterne of the Superior Court of Santa Barbara County
  8. The Hon. Abby Abinanti of the Yurok Tribal Court
  9. The Hon. Joel S. Agron of the Superior Court of San Bernardino County
  10. The Hon. Gregory Wilson Alarcon of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County

Here Los Angeles were still dominant but not as much as the previous list.

When Were the Judges Searched

We also wanted to know when the judges were searched for:

The number of unique views of judge pages experienced an upward trend during the month of March.

Judges’ Percentage of Web Activity

First, judge pages encompass more than half of total visitor engagement with the website.:

Second, during the weekends, most visitor engagement with the website is through the judge pages. So, even though the volume of page views is lowest on Saturdays and Sundays, more than 60 percent of that volume is directed towards judge pages:

Third, the total volume of unique page views for the judge pages cycles throughout the week, with the highest amounts occurring on Tuesdays and Thursdays:

This trend, however, is most likely an effect of higher visitor rates in general, as the percentage of page views for judge pages decreases throughout the week.

Stay tuned…

…for bios of the most popular judges.

Originally published at

