2015: a few numbers that tell the TrendWatching story.

Henry Coutinho-Mason
TrendWatching Pulse
3 min readJan 8, 2016

Many people don’t know what it is that we do at TrendWatching. Our friends and families know we work damn hard. Some of them might even read the occasional newsletter. But we do much, much more than just publish a monthly Trend Briefing. Indeed, the last 12 months have been a bit of a whirlwind: it’s been our busiest, most productive, most global year ever.

Here are five things we’re proud to have put out there in 2015:

1. Published 37 free trends featuring 211 game-changing innovations.

More importantly people spent 3,835,826 minutes reading them (that’s over 7 years worth of trend time!), and 38,783 people thought they were good enough to share those trends with their networks, including including 2,309 readers who shared our most recent 5 Trends for 2016. Thank you!

2. Hosted 5 full day Trend Seminars.

Taking in stops in Amsterdam, London, Singapore, Sydney and New York, we loved meeting the 1,563 of you who attended and made the events such a blast! We hope you enjoyed making trend babies together as much as we did (it’s a private joke…join us next time to find out more ;)

3. Delivered 116 inspirational trend sessions.

11 TrendWatching team members gave 79 Trend Presentations, ran 32 Innovation Workshops, and led 5 Trend Safaris, visiting 32 countries on 6 continents! Next up: Antarctica? ;)

4. Unlocked the collective intelligence of 4,528 business professionals.

October saw us launch our unique Industry HeatMaps tool, helping clients benchmark and validate their areas of focus against the 8,046 Trend Mapper queries run by the trend-savvy professionals using our Premium Service. A small first step on the way to data-driven insight, and towards a service whose value is generated by the community itself rather than traditional content and static insight.

5. We wrote a 357-page manifesto.

The 51,275 words in our new book Trend-Driven Innovation consolidate everything we do and share all our secrets with the global trend community. It explains why trends help you navigate the hypercompetitive landscape, shows exactly how we spot and track trends, walks through in detail the work we do with clients to apply those trends, and shows how organizations can build a robust trend culture. It’s the centerpiece of our objective to make the concept of trend-driven innovation as big as design thinking, the business model canvas, lean startup and similar methodologies.

More than numbers.

However the numbers only tell half the story, which is why I want to sign off with a massive ‘thank you!’ We couldn’t have done any of the above without the readers, spotters, clients and event attendees that give us their most valuable resource: time.

Indeed, thank you to anyone who’s given us their attention, engagement, love, thinking and feedback in 2015. You enable us to do what we love. You enable us to create something that is read, used, enjoyed, shared and even loved. That’s awesome (and not a little humbling).

And now to 2016! We’ll have more trends, more innovations, more events, more unique tools, but most importantly, the actionable foresight and inspiration for you to create successful trend-driven innovations. Let’s get going!

TrendWatching’s content and tools give business professionals in 180+ countries the actionable foresight and inspiration to create successful trend-driven innovations.

Join the 250,000+ people who receive our free monthly Trend Briefings at trendwatching.com, learn more about our Premium Service, or get your hands on our end-to-end methodology in our new book, Trend-Driven Innovation.



Henry Coutinho-Mason
TrendWatching Pulse

Author The Future Normal / ex-MD @ TrendWatching / cofounder 3Space & Redo