Hobbits: The Hidden History of Tolkien’s Beloved Creatures

Leo parker
Trendy Digests
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2023

Hobbits are one of the most popular and beloved races in J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy world of Middle-earth. They are the main protagonists of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, two of the best-selling books of all time and the basis for several adaptations for stage, screen, radio, and video games. But how much do you really know about these small, furry-footed, and peaceful people?

Hobbits are not a separate species from humans, but a sub-species or a branch of the human race. They are also known as halflings or periannath in some languages. They are about half the height of an average human, with curly hair on their heads and feet. They usually dress in bright colours, favouring yellow and green. They live in cozy underground houses with windows, built into the sides of hills, or in regular houses above ground. They love food, drink, pipe-weed, and parties, and are often shy and timid, but can also show great courage and loyalty when needed.

Hobbits have a long and complex history that spans thousands of years. They originated in the east of Middle-earth, near the Anduin river, where they lived as nomads for many generations. They later migrated westward in three waves, forming three types of hobbits: Harfoots, Fallohides, and Stoors. Each type had different characteristics and preferences, such as living in the mountains, woods, or marshes. They eventually settled in the lands of the Shire and Bree, where they co-existed with humans and other races.

There was once a time when the Hobbits lived in distant lands.

Hobbits have a unique culture and society that reflects their simple and humble nature. They have a complex family tree and genealogy, with many interrelated branches and surnames. They have a unique calendar and measure of time, based on the lunar cycle and the seasons. They have a system of government that includes a Thain, a Mayor, and a Master of Buckland, but they mostly rely on their own common sense and customs. They are skilled in stealth, farming, and archery, but not very interested in magic, technology, or warfare.

Hobbits have a natural resistance to the corruption of the One Ring, the powerful artifact created by the Dark Lord Sauron to dominate Middle-earth. This is because they are not very ambitious or greedy, but content with their simple lives. However, this does not mean they are immune to its influence, as shown by the cases of Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, and Gollum (a former hobbit who was twisted by the Ring). Some hobbits have also shown a remarkable spirit of adventure and curiosity, such as Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Merry Brandybuck, Pippin Took, and Gollum. These hobbits have travelled far beyond their borders and played key roles in the events that shaped Middle-earth.

The word “hobbit” was invented by Tolkien himself, who claimed that he wrote it spontaneously on a blank piece of paper while grading student exams: “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.” He later created an etymology for it, deriving it from an Old English word meaning “hole-dweller.” He also denied any connection with rabbits or other animals. The word “hobbit” has since become a popular term for fantasy creatures similar to Tolkien’s creation.

Hobbits are one of the most enduring and influential creations of Tolkien’s imagination. They have inspired generations of readers and fans with their charm, humour, courage, and wisdom. They have also become icons of fantasy literature and culture, representing the values of simplicity, friendship, and heroism. As Tolkien himself wrote: “Even the smallest person can change the course of history.”

Relevant articles:
- Things You Didn’t Know About Hobbits — Screen Rant, publisher name and publishing date not available
- Hobbits — Tolkien Gateway, Tolkien Gateway, 11 July 2023
- Where Does The Word \”Hobbit\” Come From? — Dictionary.com, Dictionary.com, 13 December 2013
- The Hobbit — Wikipedia, Wikipedia, publishing date not available

Originally published at https://trendydigests.com on August 2, 2023.

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Leo parker
Trendy Digests

A technology writer who covers the latest trends and innovations in the digital world. I have a passion for exploring how technology can improve our society.