Why Wear Plaid or How to Smell Like Teen Spirit

Josh Choe
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2017

Plaid, the pattern known as being incredibly versatile. It ranges from business-casual to street-casual. It’s perfect to wear to work because once it hits 5 o’clock you can go to your local bar and get shit-faced. We get it, sometimes you don’t want to wear your favorite dress shirts for **Happy Hour**.

We’ve all had those days where we anxiously waited to clock out of work. I’m sure we can all relate to the horrendous and life-ruining buffalo sauce we accidentally get on our perfectly pressed and starched white dress shirts. Which leaves us with a few options to appearing some-what professional to work, and shirts that do not have to be dry cleaned. This is where plaid comes in and gives you a viable choice.

This pattern used to be heavily associated with counter-culture, but has had so much influence in fashion that it became an essential piece to everyone’s closet. Though now it is the staple hipster-nation outfit, plaid shirts have become relevant enough in contemporary style to be suitable in most business-casual settings.

Start requesting for plaid shirts at TrendyButler.com and start looking like a lumberjack, or a hipster, or the guy at work who is planning on eating buffalo wings and drinking at the nearby bar.

