Android Apps Transfer to Different Developer Account

Trendyol Tech
Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2019

Before starting with the main topic which is about transferring applications to different developer account, I want to shortly mention about the story of our application transfer journey :)

Startup purchase is a trend topic in technology world. Lots of companies which produce or develop new values/products to make our life easier, search new areas to make investment. In addition, it is possible that purchased startups can move their platforms or integrate them with their new partners.

Trendyol is a technology company that is part of this ecosystem as an investor and investee. I have been working as a team member of the company in second half of 2017, in this period, Alibaba Group has been investor of Trendyol and this investment obviously proofs potential of the company. Before this investment, Trendyol took to the stage as an investor of Dolap which is a very successful startup and secondhand e-commerce platform.

After the investment, the migrations have been started and app transfers are an important part of these processes. At this point, Dolap Android App transfer has been made in January, 2019.

When I started to Android development in 2010, there was Android Market😊 ️instead of Google Play and application transfer was not permitted. After that, if I remember correctly, Google Play started to support application transfer in 2014. Many developers know presence of app transfer to different developer accounts but may not know how app can be transferred. This is not a problem; because, these types of processes are very rare in our career and we can find documents about transfer to different developer account.

When we need to transfer Dolap android application to Trendyol developer account, we find a document which is published in Play Console Help section. In this page, all requirements are described step by step, but some information about registration transactions ID samples are confusing. Now, I want to describe this process, and try to demonstrate a sample about confusing registration transaction IDs.

App transfer to different account is a very simple journey, but if this is first time, you may feel discomfortable during the process…


  • Registered and Active Google Play Developer Accounts
  • Registration Transaction IDs (you can find on Google Payments)

If you have all requirements, just fill the Google Play Developer - Transfer apps to a different developer account form and submit it. If you are the owner of developer account, red squared area doesn’t displayed and you just submit the form with target account email address and order ID.

Google Play Developer — Transfer apps to a different developer account

For the transfer process, transaction IDs are the most important steps because of their format. In Google document, 4 formats are written. These are:

Registration transactions IDs’ format

In our transfer journey, one of the our transaction ID looks like: 12345678901234567890.registration-12a345b6–789c-012d-efgh-3jk456789012

The other one’s format looks like: 01234567890123456789.token.0123456789012345

When we tried to submit the form with these IDs, always got error and had started trial-and-error. Afterwards we tried to solve the problem after removing the bold numbers which come before registration and token, then we successfully submitted the form.

The last thing that I want to say about app transfer:

If you get error with transaction IDs, split from dots any IDs and try more than once. If the error continues, contact Google Support Team. And please be careful about Apps that use integrated services title in the document to prevent integrated services data lost.

After submission of the form, when your transfer request approved, you and target account will take email from Google Play Developer Support, like that:

After the approve mail has reached, Dolap is started to download from Trendyol Developer Account, and our transfer journey ends :)

Trendyol Developer Page

In this story, I have tried to explain Android App Transfer shortly with our journey 🙂 If you have any thoughts or comments about the story, I want to hear your words.

