Fundamentals and a Brief Overview of the Philosophy of Risk and Incident Processes by the PM Principles

Tuğberk Özsoy
Trendyol Tech
Published in
6 min readDec 30, 2021

As in many areas, communication and production, which are the ultimate elements of human and community-based formations, are among the first reasons we establish systems in which we all take part. Along with those who accept this as a pain, one of the issues that humanity ponders the most after production has been its mistakes. So much so that they have designed this in a way that will optimize all production processes, put forward the principles of Kaizen, and have sought to improve and be better throughout their lives. Exactly at this point, Trendyol, which tries to put a different perspective on production, on visionary foundations in our country and in our world as we, to effectively carry out these processes that we call this error, deformity, mistake or incident, we make evaluations from different perspectives in order to carry the management of these times to the anxiety we call the future run the processes.

The most important change created by this process can be assumed as moments of panic and lessons that can be drawn from the crisis. At this point, we try to benefit from the communication structures we mentioned at the beginning and not to lose this most needed tool in the remote working order as in the office. One of the most rational methods we can use to understand the time we are in is to learn with the methodology of plan, implement, test and take action in the simplest sense, which is applied by some companies that have accelerated in the world; Of course, this does not mean that we should affect our practices and drag our entire process into a risk that we do not know.

We aim to make all the changes and improvements we make at each step for similar or preventable issues that are likely to be encountered in the future. This enables us to detect bottleneck structures in advance, while feeding our controlled proactive processes, and to exclude muda (waste time) and other factors from the non-value-added activities schedule.


We can only learn the way on the way. New dreams are formed on the way with precessions…

It is emphasized that communication and optimization should be at the forefront for processes and designs within integrated structures as well as TQM (total quality) principles, where these issues feed each other. Giving and receiving feedback, which is part of our culture, plays an active role in the scenes where continuous improvement is based, risks can be reduced, and transparent communication and processes are managed. As I mentioned at the beginning, these principles now need to be expanded as well as applied. Identifying and analyzing the events at the root of the systems is important not only for reinforcing the established team ties, but also for determining the source of the problem encountered in the decisions to be taken in the future, and to be able to carry out the improvement by comparing it with the existing systems. These analyzes include the current situation, error, best solution and the effect of the detected problem on other teams — we call this analysis Root Cause Analysis (RCA) -

Being able to better identify the crucial points that require intervention after the analysis of the problems also shows us how effectively a Pareto Chart-like structure is actually used and that these systems can be carried out transparently with equal distribution of rights within the teams and increase the speed of intervention.


Of course, problems arise, it is the processes that make us grow

As it is mentioned in some terminology, speed is a factor that can make it difficult to adapt to all conditions. Trendyol’s dynamic structure has succeeded in being agile in its work flow processes and strategies, and this agile structure has been managed in a healthy way and at the same time, it has been realized by the efficient application of project management principles. We maintain a structure where we can see the service life with its agile muscles on a transparent and innovative skeleton structure (monitoring) and where we focus on adding meaning to our own data by constantly receiving online feedback even through datacenter structures. In addition to our culture of data generation and evaluation, we do not forget that our customers are also our stakeholders.

We take our steps together with our customers in the decisions we take with our judgments of translation and mutual value creation. Our first goal is to implement structures that aim to quickly identify the sources of problems with the network structure of the services, Fishbone and tree structures in the causes of problems. In this way, it becomes possible to channel the risk and make effective decisions on the risks that can be taken or distributed.

drawned by Tuğberk Özsoy

The management of risks are the methodologies that can illuminate our way with affordable loss decisions. It is possible to turn even the risks we face into benefits with the anti-frailty way of thinking. We decide to start now by targeting Aristotle’s description of the future in order to construct sophisticated action plans, and we do not forget the method of starting action for the enterprise now. With the effectuation idea format, we try to find the answer to the question of what resources do I have and what is my final path in the future.

At this point, our aim is; to understand and monitor all processes from positive to negative as the benefits of continuous development, to act as a bridge in communication between teams while managing the incident process, and to try to minimize the risk of experiencing similar problems in the future in the actions taken.

drawned by Tuğberk Özsoy

Basically Incident Management; It includes the preparation and development of procedures that include the precautions to be taken against the risks that may occur, obtaining and evaluating data from the records of incidents that occurred on day 1, and producing a plan, including all the team and stakeholders, against incidents that may have a project-based effect. Automating processes and making efficiency sustainable with many new automations that can be used represent the elbow point in this step. In addition to total quality management and lean development understanding against traditional management systems, while the agile method enables systemic developments and flexibility, we produce internal benchmark values, provide process map detailing and reengineering acceleration. Utilizing Miscellaneous tools and techniques in Incident process management strengthens speed and agility in automated stages. Obtaining meaningful metrics from the recorded data has a positive effect on service level management and service continuity, and also contributes to the value chain.

drawned by Tuğberk Özsoy

Determination of process maturity improvement targets, prioritize improvement efforts, root cause analysis, effective use of resources carried out with service level agreements(SLA) and operational level agreements(OLA), documentation and certification studies related to system/service quality are carried out effectively. 7 cause analysis methods of total quality (Ishikawa, Cause-Effect, histograms…) can be used in process and cause analysis. During the analysis, Opportunities, Options and Priority stages are performed. Events and data affecting stakeholders, analyzing customer requirements and creating feedback are key factors.

There is a high connection between the management of the incident and the process and the principles of total quality management. The correct application of the PDCA cycle mentioned above shows the effect that will feed the maturity level. In this way, improvements in the continuity of services and the scale that affect the quality of the service provided to the customer are achieved (Edwards Deming, Armand Feigenbaum). The ITIL, MOR and COBIT charts under the IT service management branch of Total Quality also affect the Malcolm Baldrige criteria and capability maturity continuity in the Six Sigma procedure application. The correct application of the most basic steps of this application also increases the impact on the process and the ITIL 7-step improvement process is loosely based on Six Sigma.

