Bootcamps at Trendyol!

Keziban Sengul
Trendyol Group
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2022

Hello everyone!

In this post, I aim to shed some light on the bootcamps at Trendyol for future engineers and business people who are thinking of attending yet have question marks about the ins and outs of the program. So let’s take a look at bootcamps. What are bootcamps? How do we deem bootcamps at Trendyol? How does the process work for the talents we recruit through bootcamps?

What is a bootcamp? Bootcamp is a word made up of the combination of the words “boot” and “camp” with the root meaning of “rookie troops”. It enables the new army recruits in the US military to gain dynamism and strength in no time through an intensive workout routine.

Bootcamps at Trendyol:

A journey of intense training targeted at supporting the development of young talents eager to build upon their knowledge in a certain field. Young talents who successfully complete the training are recruited to the team. Even if it’s not ending by hiring, we still contribute to the community by improving their skills.

So, what kind of advantages do bootcamps provide for Trendyol and the candidates?

1. Our main goal is to create a positive impact on our country and the ecosystem. We are both contributing to the recruitment of young talents into the sector and eliminating unemployment among the youth.

2. We provide fresh graduates with training of min 4 to max 8 weeks free of charge. We enable pair work and Q&A opportunities with Trendyol teams.

3. During these training sessions, we invite participants to 2 sessions once a weekday where we familiarize them with the Trendyol culture and adapt them to technologies we use.

Steps to take to attend Trendyol Bootcamps:

1. Apply for a bootcamp post in your area of interest.

2. Upon the approval of your application, take the exam shared over Codility! (There is a minimum success score requirement on the exam)

3. Take the brief phone interview after the Codility exam. The purpose of the interview is to gauge if you have the time to attend a bootcamp and your level of interest.

4. We will invite you to a 30-minute face-to-face online meeting with a member from HR and the relevant team following the phone interview.

5. You are all set to go for bootcamp after the successful completion of these steps

What is awaiting you at the BootCamp?

  • We share the training plan we have co-created with participants over slack or discord in the first week. Thus, participants have the opportunity to come to the lessons prepared. We also certainly share the supplementary resources over these channels.
  • We have had the chance to gather ample feedback from the bootcamps we have done so far. We definitely hold the pair work sessions since we know participants need practical knowledge more than the theoretical. We follow with homework to ensure the learning is reinforced.
  • Trendyol culture is quite precious to us. We want to add culture compatible, sincere, data centered, and responsible colleagues to the team. We organize a chat session where leaders are in attendance and we cover our culture in addition to technical knowledge. We schedule the weekday meetings for after work hours to make attendance easier for working and student candidates and we don’t make it a mandatory activity.

Criteria we seek in candidates to hire post bootcamp:

  • Bootcamp attendance rate,
  • Trainer and team feedback on the candidate
  • The quality of homework,
  • The success rate of post training project work.
  • 2-stage post training interview:

a) First Interview: A 30-minute meeting with a member from HR and the technical teams similar to the pre-training interview.

b) Final Interview: The meeting where our candidate meets the leader of the team they will join.

Trendyol’s Bootcamp Data

As Trendyol, we realized 10 different bootcamps between August 2020 and December 2021 and we had 146 young talents join the team. The data for these bootcamps are as follows:

We want to hold more bootcamps and recruit more talents to the team this year. Keep an eye out for our job ads and apply for a bootcamp to your liking if you have the desire to take advantage of a 4-to-8-week free of charge training in your area of interest, get to know the Trendyol team and culture, develop yourself, and become a part of our team thereafter!

