How We Enhance Productivity and Employee Wellbeing at Trendyol

Robin Pacia
Trendyol Group
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2023

Throughout my career as a recruiter, I’ve noticed that many candidates struggle with balancing their personal wellbeing and productivity. At Trendyol, we don’t just pay lip service to this issue — we’re committed to evolving together as a team. In this article, I’ll be sharing insights that I’ve gained during my time at Trendyol about how to create a workplace culture that supports both productivity and well-being.

To ensure productivity, you have the flexibility to choose the best workplace

In Trendyol, we place a high value on productivity, and we’re continuously striving to improve our practices by simplifying internal processes through technology and optimizing efficiency for everyday tasks. For instance, we use scorecards, distribute agendas and meeting notes, and phase projects to facilitate further iteration.

Doing important and urgent things efficiently, optimizing our productivity are very critical priorities; that’s why for our team it’s essential to discover the best place, and circumstances that work for them.

We recognize that every person has a unique working style, and we encourage our team to find the ideal conditions that enhance their efficiency. To facilitate this, we offer flexibility in choosing their preferred workspace. Our teams have the option to personalize their workspaces to meet their individual preferences, and we provide a monetary allowance to set up their personal workstation.

For those who prefer working in an office environment, we provide comfortable workspaces in central locations equipped with modern ergonomic furniture, calming lighting, and noise-canceling meeting rooms to ensure a productive and comfortable working experience.

Team Work Makes the Dream Work #OneDreamOneTeam

Collaborating in a team can be an effective way to boost productivity and motivation. At Trendyol, we value the importance of connecting and working together, which is why we frequently organize Zoom meetings and office gatherings. While we recognize the benefits of technology, we believe that physical interaction and human touch are equally essential for our psychological and mental health. Through our monthly team gatherings, we foster a sense of belongingness, nurture our unique Trendyol culture of sincerity, humbleness, and team spirit, and engage in productive discussions on challenging topics. This culture of collaboration and support also leads to innovation and the creation of a talented community.

One critical element of our Trendyol culture is servant leadership. Our leaders prioritize the growth and well-being of their team members by understanding their needs and providing support. They strive to create a psychologically safe environment where everyone feels valued, heard, and understood.

Supporting each other is vital to our team, and we follow a simple yet effective tip: if you notice that someone on your team is struggling to stay productive, try offering a helping hand. It could be as simple as bringing them a cup of coffee or suggesting they take a quick break to recharge their batteries. By supporting each other, you’ll create a positive and collaborative working environment that fosters productivity.

Another benefit of getting along well with colleagues is that we enjoy spending time together and socializing, which allows us to share not only our successes but also our work-related and personal struggles.

Keep Your Eye on a Balance

A good balance is important for well-being but differs from person to person. At Trendyol, we have implemented specific practices to promote healthy balance: other than smart working options and team ups we provide several health and wellness programs for our teams,

Employee benefits go beyond the traditional offerings. In addition to gym and fitness studio memberships we also acknowledge the significance of mental health and offer psychological counseling services as well.

Here’s a fun fact: taking breaks can actually make you more productive! A study conducted recently found that employees who took regular breaks were 43% more productive than those who didn’t. Why, you ask? Because taking a break gives your brain a chance to recharge and come back to the task at hand with renewed focus and energy.

The length of your break doesn’t matter as much as the quality of it. Whether it’s a five-minute walk or a 30 min learning & development session, what’s important is that you give yourself time to clear your mind and refresh. This creates space for new ideas to emerge and allows you to return to your work with fresh eyes and a fresh perspective.

As simple as a lunch reminder or a quick coffee break comes a long way. And thanks to our wellness benefits, we get opportunities for relaxation and mindfulness to recharge.


Maintaining a healthy balance can be challenging in today’s fast-paced world. With a significant amount of time and energy devoted to work, it can be easy to neglect other important areas of our lives. Additionally, with more companies adopting remote work policies, the line between work and personal life has become increasingly blurred. However, with some effort and smart planning, achieving a healthy balance is possible, and it can even enhance work productivity. So go ahead, take the time to explore what works best for you and make the most of your time, both at work and in life!

At Trendyol, we prioritize the flexibility to choose the right working place for your mental health and productivity. Our unique meritocratic “one dream one team” culture, rich internal communication activities, and servant leadership style make our workplace enriching.

And if you are interested in joining our #OneDreamOneTeam, check out our open roles — we’re looking forward to welcoming you aboard!

