Özge Özerdem
Trendyol Group
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2023


Navigating New Horizons: The Essence of “No Title, No Hierarchy”

In the heart of every grand journey lies a simple yet profound truth: unity triumphs over all else. Within Trendyol, this truth is not merely a guiding principle; it’s the very soul of our voyage.

As the Trendyol team, our vision is clear: “to enable commerce through technology and become the #1 choice worldwide for customers, sellers, and our team. “ We firmly believe that the only path to realizing this aspiration lies in embracing the mindset of ONE DREAM ONE TEAM. We understand that making commerce accessible to everyone is only possible when we work together as ONE TEAM.

In the pursuit of envisioning and actualizing this, we stand by a steadfast declaration: No Title, No Hierarchy. This approach not only guides our journey but also shapes our work environment, influencing our collaborative and communicative approaches. Yet, it begs the question, can a team of 4000 achieve this goal without titles or hierarchy?

The ‘Best Foot Forward’ Approach at Trendyol

I’ve been working at Trendyol since its startup phase. Back then, there was no need for hierarchy or titles when we discussed challenges and decisions around a table. We were all marching toward the same goal, propelled not by ego, but by a shared commitment to getting the job done. We call this principle “Best Foot Forward,” a philosophy of assigning tasks based on expertise rather than titles or positions. It emphasizes giving one’s utmost in any given situation. Our dedication to the goal was so unwavering that none of us could afford to waste time. It wasn’t ego, but achieving results that mattered the most. We all operated with a strong sense of accountability. If a task arose, we took responsibility and got it done; if consensus was needed; we resolved it amongst ourselves before involving our leader, ensuring swiftness. These were the reflexes of a team destined for success.

Then our organization started to grow. Of course, things started to get tough during the growth process, especially when new team members started to join us. Decisions could no longer be made around a table. This was, of course, a result of the growth in the scale of our work. Our organization and our work had become complex with the impact of growth.

Culture, encompassing our thoughts, actions, and approaches, holds the power to unify us through shared rituals. We’ve developed and established rituals and practices to nurture this culture and ensure its seamless integration within the team. Here are some examples:

  • Templates for Data-Driven Decision Making: We’ve developed and established decision-making tools like scorecards and pros-cons analyses to ensure every voice is heard, and choices are guided by merit rather than hierarchy. Empowering every voice fosters an environment where individuals, regardless of position, feel empowered to share their perspectives.
  • There is no title communication internally. For us, titles exist to convey our roles to those outside the workplace. Within the company, there is no requirement for communication of this information, and nobody uses their title. We adhere to the principles of a meritocratic culture, where ideas and contributions are evaluated based on their value, not factors like seniority, title, or status.
  • Open feedback and psychological safety environment: We highly value timely, sincere, and candid feedback. The Radical Candor methodology facilitates a shared responsibility of creating a psychologically safe environment for giving and receiving feedback.
  • All of us are equal; not some are more equal than others: In addition to these practices, our commitment to equality and open communication is evident throughout our organization. We actively discourage the use of titles such as ‘ma’am’ or ‘sir,’ which can create unnecessary emotional barriers. This philosophy extends to our office environment as well. At Trendyol, no one, including our CEO, has a private office. This commitment to transparency and accessibility remains unwavering, even during remote work periods. You can always expect the same open communication and egalitarian approach by simply sending a direct Slack message to anyone in the team. They may seem like little details, but at heart, they are the signs that remind us our unique, humble culture
  • Dual Career Paths: Last but not least, it is not your title that drives your career in Trendyol. We take career as a journey rather than a destination. It is like a gym in which you develop your various muscles. So it is not always way up; we have people policies that strongly advocate learning, taking more responsibility, and new challenges. You do not get rewarded merely according to your title, rather, it relies on the contribution and accountability you deliver.

In light of these rituals, we tried to spread this culture across 4000 team members. We also encountered challenges along the way. Some team members questioned, “Why do I need my leader’s approval for a purchase request?” To us, it’s not about the absence of leaders, but rather that leaders exist to nurture the team. We advocate for servant leadership practices. At Trendyol, leadership transcends position or title; it’s about taking action and setting an example, trusting the team, providing support, removing obstacles, and empowering team members.

This is a journey, and we constantly strive to be better everyday. Perhaps we’ll develop different practices in time, but our unwavering commitment to speed, agility, empowerment, and accountability remains constant. Together, we’re shaping our future — without titles, without hierarchy, but always with One Team One Dream at heart.

