The Imporance of Journalism in Today’s America

Trent Threeton
Trent Threeton Portfolio
3 min readMay 18, 2019

With the subject of the protection of journalistic truth being so important in today’s society, I wonder a lot on what would have happened if the stories that have changed history were never ran.

The courage that the journalist had in “Spotlight” and “All the President’s Men” is what I find admirable in the craft of journalism. Media is hitting society hard and changing the game on how journalism works.

I find that media allows journalists to have more support in what they report because of having material at theirs and the public’s fingertips.

With news organizations like World Star who are mainly media based, they have an easier time reaching an audience. With TMZ, they use what media they find, sometimes what they get from the paparazzi, and use it for their reporting. I think this is a great tool that should be used but only with caution.

The reason I say use it with caution is that I do not feel that their journalism should be based solely off of what the media shows. Journalists need to still do thorough research on what they are reporting and need to do their best to ensure everything they are reporting is the truth.

I watch a lot of Wendy Williams and recently there was a video that surfaced of her leaving a substance abuse recovery home and the media spun the story of the video and claimed that Williams was leaving the house early that morning because of reasons that Williams debunked herself and later corrected the news outlets on her show.

I think that the news outlets that published the story needed to research more on their topic before they published.

With the debacle of “fake news” being thrown so loosely around, journalists have to play it safe to maintain their reputations.

Now I understand that are always the bad apples that ruin it for everyone when they knowingly publish something that is fake.

I find that today’s journalist must rely on media as a way to protect themselves from being declared as an unprofessional and fake news journalist.

I think that media will continue forge on and conquer the world and journalism will continue to tag along and be protected as long as journalists are responsible with how they use it.

With the movies, I think that if they happened in today’s generation of media that it would not have been such a battle for the journalist on getting the story to the public, but it would be difficult to have the story not be criticized and called fake news.

In today’s society, journalists have to bring media with them in their writing because good media has solid facts and gives way to great journalism. Good journalism cannot be debunked by belligerent fake news comments.

Good journalism is a must for a stable democracy and is arguably a right that all citizens have right to because good journalism can give people the truth and protection and that is why I think media driven by the people is important to journalism.

