Is Automating Twitter Engagement Worth it?

Dan Bluer
4 min readJan 26, 2014

I have a dozen Twitter accounts.

I recently DECIDED it was time to choose two of my accounts and automate their engagement with other users to make my life easier.

I chose my top two blogging accounts I have been working on for a few weeks and started my search for engagement tools.

I came across a blog post a friend sent me about Twitter engagement and it lead me to a tool called Slingbot . ( )

Given the site looked well designed and it was secure ( had an Https )

I signed up with my design blog and Twitter account this is the data I gathered.

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After about a week long trial, I averaged to 1.25% conversion rate and somehow Gained 36 new followers?

What the ... I had to learn more.

I did some research on the company (I am a Google master) and emailed the founders asking what exactly Them Their software did.

They were responsive (unlike a lot of founders I email) and said the software tweets Favorites (2-3 an hour) based on the keywords I chose for my campaigns.


The term Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) comes to mind, right off the bat.


These were some pieces from our email thread.

Me: Can I attach my other Twitter account to my current Slingbot campaigns?

Slingbot: "No, each twitter account has it's own trial period. This Allows you to optimize and learn from your different campaigns. "

Me: Can you tell me more about the disclaimer on the site? (One Internet connection per account.)

Slingbot: "We strictly follow guidelines Twitters, and having one account per internet connection is the most effective way for our users to safely run consecutive campaigns."

After our conversation, I instantly signed up with my other Twitter account (Tech blog) ON A DIFFERENT Internet Connection for a different trial period. Just make sure to safely When He said, I was doing it Correctly.

Here were my results.

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This blew me away ...

I pride myself on being a brutal critic of tech, but I will admit this software launched ('slung' if you will) my two blogging accounts into the hands of other Twitter users.

Interestingly enough the campaign I ran with the word "Entrepreneur" I Gained 18 followers in a week?

I came to the Conclusion That It Appeared so simple because there were only a few metrics to look at. (The analytics dashboard They have on your campaigns)

It is an under promise and over deliver company by far.

My overall impressions (two accounts) : 6,448

My number of keyword campaigns: 8

My new active followers: 75

Since the team at Slingbot was kind and informed me of what They were doing, I sent Them post before publishing it this.

Strangely enough They said, "We would be happy to include your screen shots on our homepage Dan!"

Now, I have found myself in a weird position as a fan / promoter of both the entrepreneurs behind this, and the product itself.

Beyond Slingbot , I would highly recommend looking it Automating Twitter engagement.

It is important to engage with like mined people throughout the day on Twitter. People are talking, so to You Should Be.

In my case I have been engaging with people I would not have been able to find myself on Twitter, without an engagement tool.

Automation Engagement on social media is a new technology, and it will take some time for people to become comfortable with it. I understand that.

I have heard stories about people using Numerous automation tools to promote Themselves at conferences, campaigns by starting with the conferences hashtag (ie # CES2014, # DISRUPT2014)

Genius. I plan on running the Slingbot When I go to SXSW this year. I will post about that as well.

In Conclusion, I think que Social Media engagement automation is the next step. People that have millions of things going on at once (Entrepreneurs like myself included) have to have a way to stay engaged with the community.

Automation tools like Slingbot are the answer. Awesome job guys. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for reading,

@ DanBluerThanYou

