Bananas, pranas and asanas.

/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./
3 min readAug 30, 2023
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

/Precis/ : a word that means a Summary. Of sorts.

So i did yoga since 2002 at Como Shambhala, in Singapore. And before then at a small Tektite gym near work — where i could work on my posture (wonky since 13 years old, when i was made to wear a back brace), and did 3–4 hours a week of reformer machines and pilates. My abs looked fab, whatever my back brace couldn’t quite achieve for my spine, it did mostly for my core muscles.

Being quite happy with work, i would circle round to where the first Burger grill was (Brothers Burgers i think it was called in the millenia), where i would get drinks with some friends who worked in design. And the Starbucks there, was the place to hang out. Tapas bar. And a Tequila Joe’s were all the rage in the El Pueblo area. And after a while, the eating-gym-work cycle became such a monster that only the refuge of weekends could really reprieve.

And my playlists in the car.

So far, there would be lots of socials to fill up the scene - someone had a wedding, and we would rehearse their choir programmes, and go as a quartet and short of Adam Sandler became a local wedding hop gig to colour our lives silly enough to not become robots just off to the 8-hour grind.

I don’t know what it was, that millenia and its odd haze of needing to “get by”. It must’ve been such an ocular event, to some - but maybe it was a tipple and a half above a smack dab junction into midlife crises that the GenXers coincided with accidentally, in their late 30s.

I think it was a cohesive “exhaustion” of the digital precipice -not quite mobile, yet too offensive for the mad browsing (on several options of netscape, explorer, safari) - and blogging “only”.

I was in the designing and writing bit of that. Having been a Copywriter all my life, as a profession. With a quick Marketing jaunt-horror- where it ruins you Creatively, actually geared up its adult head, when the soccer team that was Family Life, actually summoned it.

I felt like a Ferris Bueller, unwelcoming to it. And yet, nowadays after meeting a lot more people, from different industries -regional advertising, gaming, the big multinational (5-continent-a-side) clients, & the legions of tech startups that decided to build HQs at the same time in the Noughts (00’s) in SEA/APAC Region - i think we all became a little jaundiced with the thought that “this was the real deal”, where our thoughts of being in Europe & America was the “Real” jobs, suddenly trapped us into a more ASEAN board of legions, and the European-Americans came to us.

It was like a tidal wave of work.

And then, learning. And more work. And then, No blogging for ages -because of all the work, and kids -and school, and moving. And then more work, and succession of events-that doesn’t quite permit a thought to escape, and yet, not even a breath above the water of that 2000–2020 underbelly of the Regional CoreEthnologist-Sensitised, Crypto-Critical Fin-SocialTech groups that we were all part of.

Maybe that wasn’t quite massive -how could we tell? Maybe, i didn’t really reach up to the hem of even the slimmest of adjuncts where clients met google, met platform met paying users - met vlogging users. All the hours of UserGeneratedContent lived up to its promise- to evaluate our lives, in other people’s simulcasts, to educate and keep a track of sense of being, and liveability of planet that we need to preserve - for the long run.

Maybe, it didn’t really happen. Maybe, it (all that) was actually just me.



/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./

Creative+Client • {Tweets @TripleTrep} • Perusing, at thumb-length, all folks madly living in pursuit of a life less ordinary.