Can Hackers be Refined?

kristin m-o
/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./
3 min readJan 30, 2019



Capturing the essence of how power pellets are like the elusive time that we need to elegantly create code.

So, Hacking.

I was watching my slew of cooking shows over the non-alcoholic, caffeine-tippled weekend, and i figured, why are my non-hacker friends culturally inclined to not slave over the stove / oven? (Not a metaphor, but could be.)

Or are they?

I was working in an incubation group awhile ago, and met a few hacker-hustler-hipster types: who are all three (or possess all their natures or functionalities in the one person), they created stuff and made them cute (hipster), improved & smashed stuff and committed them to code (hacker), and wrote all the playbooks, and kept everyone in tow/line/sinker (hustler) while closing all the deals and shaking everyone’s hands and (maybe, sometimes), wore a suit and tie riding their bikes to work to make sure everyone turned in their homework on time.

Alex The French Guy Cooking, channel on YouTube. <This episode was published on Feb 8, 2015 with a CreativeCommons licence.>

Sometimes, we all need the push and shove, and the serious malaise of an existing ecosystem, to help us along to achieving our goals more positively. (Even if it were just to spell words right.)

We achieve this in a mostly socially interdependent system of people/ words/ hashtags/ appraisals/ things that make us humans/ flower shoppes/ coffee pots/ broken relationships/ pets run amok/ nomenclature/ those little things called babies/ things that continue to understand that we have nothing at all to do with serious things like oooh, coding/ lunch/ having a life after work/ drinks/ non-drinks/ healthy yeast occurring in fermented grossness/ pickles/ surprising systems of a down-ton abbey addict/ enterprise businesses/ more coffee/ schemas/ correctional glasses/ scleras about to explode/ scolioses/ carrying backpacks that contain a minimum of three screens daily/ screening a nerd movie and watching it together as a team/ travelling for work/ travelling, full stop/ staying at home/ cooking/ monitoring your gdp on the daily/ monitoring your bitcoin rates/ getting your 35th bank account/ seeking friends online/ taking the tennis championship trophy for the nth year in a row/ getting chosen for the soccer team/ building a real house/ taking your vitamins/ simultaneous broadcasts/ the privacy of offshore accounts/ mutual funds/ finding nirvana in walking the talks/ those TED talks/ philanthropy.

You get the picture, right?

What does it mean to be SOCIALLY interdependent? Do we really need to pull out a dict:ionary here?

(This is a series that involves navigating a business in three parts: Hacking it, Hustling, & being so Hipster you can cry.)

We certainly think more than we do, and it happens not because it’s a bad thing to think, sometimes it’s what we really do — despite the annals of networks saying we checked in (1min), we sat down for coffee (3min), and we wrote our backsides off (20min), and did the grocery (40min) and went on the train (20min) and were home in time for a swim (30min), and maybe a shower (10min), and dinner (2 hours).

When we HACK things, we mostly do two things: 1/ crunch time (x-axes), and 2/ crunch the flow of which the value of human expressions are cooridnated in (slew of activities/ detailed engagements/ stuff that occurs on our calendar) — to be able to achieve them in the least possible amount of effort (spread over time), and energy expended.

So these things, happen to be the gist of how walls are made: on a microsystem of words (what we write to communicate to people), and intuition (what we think, and occur to others using words).

And with these things (mostly a given), is as basic as let’s say the sky we see overhead, the air in our lungs on land, the water in our pipes, and the music in our ears etcetera — that we get to on a daily basis to formulate our lives, and reach our individuated goals. (This said, that is a seriously huge universe.) And how do we expect to crunch all that?

With a lot of brain work.




kristin m-o
/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./

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