Creating the page.

kristin m-o
/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./
3 min readApr 15, 2016


What does it take to smash code for a teeny scroll or two?

And how do you know if it’s worth spending the double digits for backend native web immaculate on domain, or template subscriptions and a one-click design will do?

There is no one-stop formula, although there are tried-and-tested advocates to different parameters tested, and a grid laid out for a more efficient three-month or so, for the happy design theorists.

Can we say on a 100% certainty, on what for sure is a better path, whose ROI (return on investment), or business yield measured is best. To attempt *where, *what for, *whom with, and *how we drive forward, and devise the *product journey is definitely a startup cost of:

{Space + Time + Zeal + IP + Research + Product Design + Market interactions, (un)bounced to page}

(roughly), more or less this could cover a foolproof formula for the do or die. This covers the journalistic persuasions of any one person who has an idea pitched to in-house board of an incubation team, the community/public, (or market), investors, and more importantly on its marketing efforts to build on, the media; would survive in the attempt to build, the timeline of which would typically get a measure of the length of about half a year, to about three months for some higher-invested, tightly-run houses, depending on the permanent team size and efforts outside of the given incubation grace period, or runway fizzle (whichever comes first).

Scale, is another matter altogether. It allows for a reissue of objectives, and the cost to scale, like the second tranche needed, will be defined accordingly. The map to get to level 2, and series A (#fintalk, pardon the #jargon). This is an investor landscape which will help all types of starter groups, investor, or people who want to work for equity – it is worth the time, effort and tiny late nights of worry and elbow grease that you spend staying over and building products at a half-masted basket or in its worse-case scenario, a team’s emptied out pockets.

(Insert photo from photos folder)

So in the pitch series, the investors have a #DemoDay attendance, the sort of graduation that relies on the pitch propositions that each startup team is likely to build, deck, stack and simplify needs and turnaround objectives for the business objectives, on to the lowest currency denomination or global domination, whichever comes first.

TechCrunch, Tech In Asia, formidable Incubation Houses that makes for a Keynesian startup-in-a-startup experience, have mostly the resources to push this forward in a culminating graduation of unveiling your product event. It is mostly among media-faced groups that hopes to create a venue, and a community that forwards the startup environs, and a 360-degree platform to exchange the communication and ratio-dependencies of ‘Treps to ‘Vests. It is mostly the current publications - all around the globe that have their versions of how pitches called DemoDays work – depending on the area, and the location of your startup, its growth objectives and market-runway situation, it can join as many tranche pitches as applicable, in as many places.

In my experience, it was the fortunate occurrence of team-forward members that protect your assets: defined in finance properties, human resource (that star-Wozniak disciple isn’t going to hang around frustrating workflows), and design of content, are then safeguarded, and given a longer shelf life, so to speak. They are called the wallets, the hustlers, the fins of the shark that is your startup to make its products, and ship them faster, and safely to shore. The design team made up of hipsters are gods of design and know when to release versions that are better at interfacing and deliver the proposition faster and most elusively, the code hacker, that person who engineers all the other coders, and soon its architecture becomes the code. (A little matrix reference there.)

So, for all the chaos that is living the life of building the dream, taking products for granted and then having a platform to regenerate the process, and let people know tactically how its done can’t be done. it just is. And it can’t be undone. Letting those ideas come to life, takes a real Gepetto in everyone. When you tackle the receptive lives of everyone in the ecosystem, whether in a highly watched or anticipated precipitation of projects it casts that right amount of dazzle to keep everyone and their ideas, wound up for good.



kristin m-o
/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./

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