On Homework.

/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./
3 min readJun 5, 2023
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

The Inspire-Me Edict.

So, this is the main equaliser - the making of Homework. Despite all the hard work, it doesn’t escape the average person - big, tall, fat, small, tiny, annoying, etc. You won’t cascade the wrong theatrical extract from the capacity built on the knowledge that, you have what it takes to get that done — write that down on your post-it and stick it in the bathroom mirror.

The building of pace that becomes a harmonic habit for all of us in future to function no matter what, during our non-erratic student days, remind me that, yes it is a no matter what situation that we are battling against — the event horizon of that training doesn’t make us weaker, it sometimes find us quite resilient in its downturn quiet, albeit lazy days.

Beware the noise.

Everyone seems adamant with proving things are right, until they are wrong, like in Maths - theorems are proven for you, and you need to use them to solve for x (or what it symbolises). But, when things are not a given, to be solved (like actual people, and their ideologies or person-as-brand edicts), maybe it was applicable to a certain set of people, a certain race, or genre or generation (acceptable among scientists as factual) -but, it isn’t acceptable to be treated as a puzzle to be solved, and making you feel uncomfortable in the (other person’s “external analyst”) process.

Noise or No Noise?

If we don’t sound out, it will become the norm. That is a fact. It is an acceptable thing to be “inconclusive” -with the mystery that people frustratingly sometimes are- but the excuses (“we are old”, “we are just like that by nature”, “we just can’t change”) are mounting in the unsolveable. And without formulas to “cope” with changes, or rapid-fire A/B testing, we can become irritably just something to cast aside — OR merely, someone else’s problem.

Ferry me to the Nearest Embankment, please.

It is a playing field, and in our Connected World — a downside to mobility, and ever-increasing generational social connectivity, we ironically have to deal with more than our generational forefathers - or mentors, or in some cultures of developmental lateness, our social peers. This can’t be socially accounted for. But, like anything else in modern documented intelligence, or what Hugh Laurie, had mentioned very dryly - in his role in Sense and Sensibility as Mister Palmer when his wife commented “No, i cannot believe it is 5 and a half miles away. No, i cannot believe it.” (commenting on Willoughbys insuffereble house from their house) before his famous role as a substance-addicted doctor in his modern series House, …..

Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash




/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./

Rustling up proof of perches where i spent #Time doing stuff. • IG: @krissn_me (2010) • Checks in 4square (2010) • Tweets: @krissn (2007) •