
kristin m-o
/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./
5 min readAug 8, 2019


August 8.

“Payage 11”. agathe de b. (2013)

For the past 30 years, autumn signalled a change in colours. It had always been romantically linked to change in the temperature, the added crispness and probably due to the revolve nto winter solstice, we observe slightly sharpened colours in all normally-dull objects around us. And just like that, you can tell what is academically frought with meaning, with the d-day being in the Fall is always accompanied with furious shades of…

jitters. confusion. frenzy. nerves. songs. tours. orientation. ugh, life. (but the version where). college. happened.

Although, as a possibly inane realisation of over-disclosure i may need to render a link to a thirteen page disclaimer slash NDA (in jest), I think that was back when i had stellar grades, owing to the confusion that was my future — immediate, or three decades later — it happened, and that was that.

The Then:

(or what is your back story?)

Went to school, graduated for my folks — even if my great-grandmother probably just sat around writing poetry in her nth-century balloon dress ordering people around, saved up for *normalcy items (what x’ers use to help them jumpstart their day, or trudge along them), and applied myself nowhere near or around the industry i got a diploma in, or field of study. I think that learning today encourages this possibility or very viable reality, but i feel like that no one had alerted the job role interviewers or people in charge of employing for groups/ empowering the teams.

So, in a nutshell: i took a spot of Physics (engineering science), & Economics (management) in university.

And landed some (work in) Advertising as a creative copywriter, which eveolved to work in marketing and later (as industries evolved, and while decidedly moving countries), to marketing communications, as well as fashion editorial, and in startups, slash content. Pretty cool salary, and right smack in the centre of what happens to all companies when they need to sell to today’s generations. (But it wasn’t rocket science).

Overall, judging the journey it took me to finish my education as well as picking up at pre-digital naturally compressed learning speeds, it was to me a 94% compliant degree-to-course fit. And mostly gratified. (Or come back to me next week, after i’ve digested my doughnut to rule out the feel-good sugar highs from my newly stashed *normalcy item).

When you own what had happened to you in its entirety, in the collective sense, what happens is — you tend to become more: 1/ interested, in yourself and in what you do, and you are empowered (by you), 2/ you are able to capitalise on your own experience, 3/ and have real basis on how to make yourself better, in your own time and definitely in your own terms.

Two out of three is usually the batting average to this, but as i have seen more than my share of years, i think i am nearing the stage where i can actually build my tiny lego mind palace of actual experiences. And very importantly also, its very lack thereof.

The Now:

(or what is a fatal narrative that might lock me in its unpleasant outcomes), ergo quite at-your-own-risky-ish to write about.

I write, post-stuff.

Or post, stuff.

Or post. Full stuff. (Haha.)

So if i was a doctor, the equivalent to what i do, is to diagnose operations, and changes, and offer solutions, creatively. Albeit firmly.

Drawing from the stuff that i have gone through in both corporate scenarios, as well as compressed startups, i may have actually occupied all roles possible.

Now, what makes me happy, is to pass it on. Ergo, writing. And doing the rounds of advisory /startup event hops that helps me build content knowledge and where else support can be lent in the incubation groups. That spun to workspace sussing, and to bridgeing the fintech-adverts folio-building.


The Future:

(or what is the stuff of dreams. or their unmaking, are like — or read and processed, outside of your head).

<open quote> More blogs/ real-time easily jotted logs on work/ career/ stuff we can map to a progress report of our individual achievements, (not to social). Because, it’s not for bragging/ taken to someone else’s self-made-jury-duty to pass judgment to. <smiley, closed quotes.>

Also, more language learning. (As if today’s language learning isn’t actually enough for tomorrow’s ultra-high faster-paced immediacy of the now happening.)

But, what makes the difference in what happened then, and now — is that we now have half of the driver’s seat to our very promotions, and very (relatively, environment-country-reality-dependent) gradated learning — we are more or less — influenced to understand 1/ what we need, and 2/ given the very tools, 3/ and, enabling us to “surpass or circumvent the middle man”. The map to navigating your own life, actually comes from you, and usually mapped to your current circumstance.

Think how you would design an idea of a life, when all you wanted was a puppy. In a super-hyper-compressed module of give or take, ten years?

<School. More school. Love. Marriage. Kids. House or not. Travel. Discover worlds. Launch propositions into ether. Ground kids with community learning. Graduate school, or not. & Work, for Lifelong Learning.> — would mostly be my ideal future of a life, was i actually allowed a michael j. fox time machine do-over of sorts.

Now all we need to do, is surpass actual reality-encompassed-global-or-now (multi)-societal impact of (putting yourself out there for other people to judge, motivate, invent, or reuse) social networks, in their twitter-net-con-verse of taking our possibility, and putting us in our boxes, and keeping what we made or have done well, undone.

The, So to speak.

Syntax. <soz, insert smiley here>.

#TheTrailsOfALastingSchroedingerEffect, circa2019

(Hoping to inspire all young college-goers in the future….

If you can, please please do. Please.

Please. Scholarships are

Everywhere. Please.)



kristin m-o
/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./

ContentEditor+Product, SocialTech • Fndr: Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs '16 • /thésocialapothékær/'14 • つまらない • IG: krissn_me • Tweet: @krissn