The Green in my tea.

kristin m-o
/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./
3 min readFeb 14, 2017


What comatose looks like: immediately halting the massive daily caffeine intakes that i’m used to in needing to keep up with piles of work, gaggle of children (figuratively), and the pace of life that was, the developing world.

There are different kinds of tea that i’ve been taking a liking to as an adult, since that first monster sip with my mom in a white porcelain cup - that searing hot beige drink that infused jasmine tea leaves for 10 minutes, served with a huge chocolate digestive dunk to keep the cold night of winters away. That memory has held me fascinated, and would be the ultimate comfort snack in my adult life as i know it.

When i think of health concerns regarding too much cream in my café lattes, as would be my choice drink of the night — would seriously need to be my green tea (sencha / ganmaicha-grade matcha latte) obsession for the week, probably for the year — a real health revolution that would keep me far away from stitches when i cycle-yoga-run with only the precious tea carabiner that attaches the thermos firmly in my left pocket. Not a wiggle in sight, even as i go off-road. (Yes, that was metaphoric. No one goes off-road and risk slippy, muddy lematic-infested grass in woods to stick to your mccartney leggings.)

Green tea is the sustain through all that ales in today’s anti-zen social movement of “if someone said it, you know it” virality that only those with a firm agenda in mind could appreciate, and the rest of us private individos are most happy without the invitation to peer. The word of mouth offers, are to carry a message, a cause, in the format of a-something-that-held-meaning-for-something that you can pass on - a data trail of strange mouths that don’t need to open packet and sink into boiling hot water, they just need to pass it on.

Ironically, publicity offers your product the funnels & market avenues but the only sustain is the cover of dignity and private abodes. Conscious privatisation is what most companies are aiming — except the funding needy institutions that go beyond the basic and the governmental pockets. But you need to keep that afloat, or be found wanting. The creative exhale to every build, the front of design that serves no purpose other than to manage funds that do not create or make product, break the bank and fear constraints of having to either give up time to pursue the initial or originated idea, or run the gamut of operations to connect the more median approaches that have been chosen to augment the impossble builds. In the meantime, stages are there to pre-evaluate the risks, and brave that (even in these very high-culture-desensitised teams) there will always be a voice lending every vacancy an opportunity, every crash landing a toe.

Fo those who missed the programme, the instructs, the way of the wanded, and being corollary to the theory of after-the-facto, and choose to attend to minding the de(con)structed in a less than recommended solution it needs to steep in for the amount of time it says, probably need the tea of calm more than me now.

So, when you’re offered a way out of the woods, to wrap your head, heed your health, & envelope your heart with earthy, mushroomy goodness, and exit from the endless barrage of woods for fake shelter?

Sip your green tea, & take it.



kristin m-o
/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./

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