The Jarvis Model.

/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./
2 min readApr 4, 2017


Not patent pending, there are talks of having a female model of a Jarvis made, which to many would be just to cover the Aphrodite phenomenon. But I would think the female traits are more than the sum of its female parts.

When we talk of power and subservience, literature had always proven unkind to the mere female bit of androgyny – which possesses the same male traits but indifferent to the distinct female attributes of females.

Both have the crucial side in superheroes, that is the self-effaced verions of what is the (WonderWoman) W-factor: which powers the simple desire for power over self at length, but commemorate the most sought-after elegance that is finding filial piety, camaraderie, & gentle understanding where it emanates, & where it needs to go.

So when having the inertia to elevate what is delayed in momentum – we serve as people who can enhance the ecosystem with beliefs that otherwise are no longer based on tradition. These are based on a de-facto learning model given by systems that need to take capacity into a more levelled up instance where it takes an individual’s natural (at normal, or at rest) capacity into consideration.

Selling your soul to the wantmakers no longer is about you – it’s more about selling your wants and needs to the makers of machinery to get you to ratify the systems they need to help you. But is it helping you or is it helping them?

Helping you help them is not about you. Or is it?

It is a bottom-line engagement that becomes now an overview of you, one that is barely you. The one that said “but I wanted green”, is now sold into red being the “acronym” of green, and sold to you that conviction that “but really, what you want is red”.

(Sometimes you need to stand your ground and say what you really want. And it’s ultimately crucial to know what it is, when you do get that offer.)

So, will the feminine extract of any systemic mechanism actually exhbit this as a real GO signal to the appropriated (albeit, spirited when only confronted with hostility to the natural borders of their state-given rights) frontiers of where you need to be – using the skills that enable the absolute grounding that you have naturally exhibited or lying dormant in its possession, to have in your timeline, and might actually eventually want.

(Written on the MediumMobile app.)



/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./

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