The LOUD weekend.

kristin m-o
/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./
4 min readJan 2, 2016


New year, new ipad.

Super awesome fun as it is New Year’s Eve after all, and I find it ridiculous that the break is soon over. Not parked in front of telly while stuffing your face is a cycle that’s really hard to get out of.

Happy New Year!

2016: the new year is filled with what you think it would bring -from ascetic meditations to language sorting, AND processing ideation — sort of like an omnibus guide to a Discipline. Yes, (that word we abandon in quantifying the airplane-filled modes of thought, in one single flight of fancy) like, can I really resist that last slice of chocolate-dripped cake on the table considerably for the hungry children in Afghanistan, or some other sad tribe of personal effects that keep us in our neatly configured places, & prevent us from overreaching in society? Or from living ever fully?

The answer is no. You park your inhibitions and restraint on holidays — that Mai Tai will always have your name on it, even half drunk, and while we keep a mindful eye on the irresponsible stoking of bonfires that result in an irrepairable deforestation and smogging and lung-clogging, we still do tug ourselves the self-abided/regulated solid of being a discerning adult member of society which corners to being able to decide for yourself with careful consideration not dictation, what you believe to be as right (at this point probably honed by a series of gold sticker stars in a discipline board).

Do we take that as a 24-hour swearing off on what we normally would apply 364 days in a year? (Yes.) Are these concessions put on hold voluntarily? (Maybe.) Will society honestly benefit, even if I don’t really care about the ethical submissiveness to the heirarchy of political wills? (Yes.) Turning our thinking wheels where it concerns us - I don’t think, will result in harm coming to us like a speeding bullet in the immediate future. At extremely the very least, to yours. So in spreading this influence you have taken part in growing society’s self aware living bloodstone of a moral hearth not tied to yielding dimensions of denomination nor to the default of intergenerational faith. (You are not what you have inherited, but more over elected as yours.)

Guilt trip averted, take the path least taken, (wherever that alley may be), and amidst all that jazz, we are always plagued by what is (could be, should be, must be) right, the burdens to our formal education - that is on the conscience we formed, or are finally left with, and our choosing to defend it to its highest un-besmirched state, or to be impermanent travelers to the grounding that this very owning process needs.

When making resolutions, we not only adapt ourselves to the future us by fine-tuning details that standardise the making up of “you”, things we: 1/ want to improve, 2/ acquire, 3/ need to evolve into 4/ become more of, survey says. More crucially, we start by owning up to all our mistakes, capacity mishaps, faults, (wise)cracks, hurts to others, accidental departures to good tendencies, and failures to our own goals; by simplifying our track and surround ourselves with what we had identified instinctively as a better “us” in our good days. With this reconciliation to our good side, (assuming we are happy & made people happy) proving it’s timely and attainable, life should be relatively easier to focus towards the very forward future. You have, at this point sorted yourself for takeaways on to the stage of planning.

Resolving to be good - shouldn’t that first be evaluated by actual outcomes or what your counselor/ rabbi/ parent/ priest should actually confirm and apply to future analysis and pat-pats well done in the back. So you can repeat, reaffirm and consolidate to faith all that was resolved? And not having the same need/ want re-occur in your list every year? Yoga, check. (But levelling up that “yes, done” to “ok, ashtanga flow yoga” next.)

A quiet source of consolation, should you choose to uphold the natural dictates to head to a true north of your personal moral compass (in the gravitas of your taking part in humanity again) is that: we’re certainly not the only ones out there. (I checked.)



kristin m-o
/Of Hothouses & Breadcrumbs./

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